Page 56 of Rule Breaker
Jackson smiled, then slid his hand behind Dane’s back. That move seemed way friendlier than besties. Or maybe it had been so long since I had one that I’d forgotten.
“Beer?” Jace offered, and reached for the cooler by his feet.
“Yes, please. I need something to get rid of that nasty taste of tequila,” Kayden replied. “Not my fave.”
Dane smirked. “You did shots already? Without us?”
“I was at Mad’s. He’s got a stash.”
Jace handed out beer bottles, and we all clinked glasses. I took a long sip and my nerves eased.
“So, liquor, cigs, what else you got, Maddox?” Dane quipped.
“Edibles,” Kayden blurted out, and offered a wicked smile. “A whole big bag of ‘em. And they’re freaking strong too. I am totally freaking high. Like, relaxed, but not, and everything isfreaking…why do I like sayingfreakingso much? Sorry, where was I?”
“As you can tell, Kayden mistakenly ate too many.” I shook my head. “Shit, I should’ve brought the bag with me. But I wasn’t sure if I’d actually step foot in here tonight.”
“I’m glad you did,” Dane replied. “It’s good to have an actual conversation with you. Now tell me more about these edibles, where’d you get them? You buy them here?”
“Nope, back home. I slid them into my equipment bag when I came through the border.”
I shrugged. “I guess. Didn’t think about it. It’s legal where I come from.”
“I know what we’re doing later. Afterparty in Rocher’s room!” Jace called out.
“Yes!” Dane high-fived him.
“No fucking way.” I pointed at Kayden. “Bad enough I let this one in there earlier. He nearly broke my chair.”
Jackson chuckled. “How’d that happen?”
“He sat in it.”
Everyone laughed, and I took another gulp of my beer. I hated to admit it, wouldneveradmit it, but I was actually having, wait for it…a good time. I didn’t like peopling, but these guys were tolerable. In small doses.
Until Kayden turned around and slapped his ass. “My big, bouncy, hockey butt cannot be sustained by your tiny furniture, Mad.”
“Good thing it’s not your chair then,” I bit out and rolled my eyes. I really wanted to stare at his ass, but I didn’t give in to temptation. “Or your room. And it’s fine. Sturdy as hell.”
“No, it’s not. You gotta get a bigger chair just for me. For our study sessions.”
“Don’t be ridiculous.”
“I’ll come shopping with you,” Kayden insisted. “We can do a sit test.”
“I’m so going to walk out of here if you keep up with this,” I grumbled.
“You don’t do a sit test, you do a fuck test,” Jace announced and looked at me. “Then you know it’s sturdy. Can you fuck in it?”
“No comment,” I snapped and gulped down the rest of my beer.
“Oooh,” Jace smirked. “Looks like you need a new chair.”
“I’m going back to the dorm. I need more THC for this conversation,” I muttered and ran a hand through my hair.
“Hey,” Jace motioned to the crowd. “Check it out. See those two girls over there? They’re in my psych class. Hot, eh?”