Page 4 of Bigfoot's Wife
“Hey there, Uncle Olwydd.” Elis, the middle child, looks straight into my eyes as he tries to sneak a biscuit off my plate.
My hand shoots out and catches him by the wrist.
"Nice try, kiddo," I chuckle. "But you’ll have to be slicker than that to pull one over on your ol’ unc.”
Jac, the youngest at five, climbs onto my lap and I ruffle his fur. “Mom says you’re taking us to school.”
I glance at Braith, raising a brow. She has the grace to look sheepish. "About that... Would you mind? It's just, with it being harvesting season in Eden, Gruffydd's working us to the bone, and Amlawdd's on early shift all week..."
Not one to pass up an opportunity, I pounce. "Well, I don't know... It's quite an inconvenience, what with my control room shifts and all..."
Braith rolls her eyes and shoots me a deadpan look. "What do you want?"
"Oh, nothing much," I say, trying to keep a straight face as I tap a finger exaggeratedly against my chin. "Just... maybe... oh, let’s see… your special gravy biscuits for breakfast every morning this week?"
She huffs, crossing her arms. “I don’t have time to cook a big breakfast every morning. If you want that, go to Sizzle.”
Sizzle is our communal dining hall.
“But yours is so much better,” I play-whine as only a younger brother can do.
She shakes her head adamantly. “Really, I don’t have time for that.”
"Well, then I guess you don't need a chauffeur..."
She glares at me through narrowed eyes for a long moment. Finally she throws her hands up. "Fine! You drive a hard bargain, bro.”
I grin triumphantly. "Pleasure doing business with you, sis."
“Boys, go finish getting ready for school. Your uncle is taking you and I don’t want you to be late. As the boys scamper off to finish getting ready, Braith's expression softens. "So, tell me more about this Bambi. You're sure she's your fated mate?"
I nod, my hand unconsciously drifting under the table toward my groin in case my soulstone should start up again, as itsometimes does at the mere thought of her. “Without a doubt. Every time I'm near her, my soulstone lights up like a homing beacon. But she acts like I don't exist."
"That's...odd," Braith muses. "When Amlawdd and I became of age, it was instantaneous for both of us."
"Exactly!" I gesture wildly. "I thought that's how it worked. Soulstone sings, boom, happily ever after."
"Well, it does when you're both Squatches.” Her mouth scrunches as she considers this. "Maybe it's different with humans?"
I slump in my seat. "Maybe. All I know is, if it weren't for my soulstone marking her as mine, I'd have some serious competition among the other single Squatch males."
Braith cups her chin with her hand as she ponders my dilemma for a while. "Have you considered talking to Gruffydd? He and Kiki are together now. He might have some insights on human women."
I’m about to start banging my head on the table again when the three boys tumble back into the kitchen, fully dressed with backpacks in tow. I can't help but feel a twinge of envy at Braith's perfect little family. It’s exactly what I want—a cave full of mischievous, giggly, fur balls.
Ours—mine and Bambi's.
But Hell, I don't even know if Bambi likes kids.
I barely know anything about her, except what I've gleaned from my internet stalking sessions. My blood boils when I think about the so-called "scandal" that dragged her through the mud. Humans can be so cruel. I’m glad she’s here in Grotto now. If Ihave my way, she'll never leave. I just have to figure out how to make that happen.
I plaster on a grin. "Alright, tiny terrors.” I thrust my arm in the air at an upward angle as though brandishing a sword. “Who's ready for an epic adventure to the dreaded learning caves?"
Osian, ever the ringleader, puffs out his chest. "We're not tiny and school isn't dreaded, Uncle Olwydd. We love school.”
I gasp in mock horror. "What? Love school? Who are you and what have you done with my block-headed nephews?"
Elis giggles, playing along. "We're actually alien body snatchers."