Page 7 of Stolen By Dragons
"Yeah," another voice added, "I have kids back home. They'll be worried sick!"
Elowen's expression remained impassive. "All will be revealed in time. A Dracarian representative has made sure to leave information in a suitable format for your people so that they can make a global broadcast. It will reassure everyone that those we've brought here are safe and well. Everything will be explained... eventually."
Her dismissive tone did little to quell the growing unease in the group. I frowned, studying Elowen's face. Her lack of empathy was troubling. Didn't she have family or friends she cared about? Or was it that she simply didn't see us as equals worthy of consideration?
“What, like a folder or video? You think they’ll believe that shit?”
“Honestly, people would have seen dragons all over, it’ll be a mess back home!”
“We need to go home to our families!”
The voices rose up, and I clenched my jaw, knowing this was to be expected. People didn’t just conform willingly to being uprooted from their lives, especially with such a poor explanation.
We had some ancient blood? Why did that matter now?
A wave of conflicting emotions washed over me – fear, wonder, and an overwhelming sense of loss. My world had been flipped upside down in a matter of hours. Dragons were real. Werewolves, vampires, and who knows what else existed. Part of me wanted to pinch myself, certain I'd wake up from thisbizarre dream. Another part of me was secretly excited at the possibilities, the mysteries waiting to be unraveled. This whole new world and what it contained.
God, I wished I could talk to Dana right now. I could almost hear her voice, a mix of excitement and concern, peppering me with questions I couldn't begin to answer. The realization that I might never see her again, never share this incredible secret with my best friend, hit me hard, and I swallowed my spiraling thoughts and unease.
Elowen's voice cut through the voices with a tone that silenced all. "After dinner in the dining hall, we will provide more answers to your questions," she said, her tone not one to question. "Until then, you are not to attempt to leave the Keep."
A ripple of alarm went through the group. I glanced around, really taking in my fellow "tainted ones" for the first time. We were a diverse bunch, varying in age from what looked like early twenties to middle-aged, all wearing expressions that mirrored my own confusion and unease.
"What do you mean, we can't leave?" someone asked, their voice tight with anxiety.
Elowen's eyes narrowed slightly. "I mean exactly what I said. Magic will keep you within the confines of the Keep. This is for your own safety, as well as ours."
The implications of her words made my heart lurch. We were prisoners here, albeit in a very luxurious cage. Christopher tensed beside me, and when I glanced at him, the grim set of his jaw told me he'd reached the same conclusion.
At least I wasn’t the only one thrust into this crazy new mess. There was some comfort in not being alone right now.
"Now," Elowen continued, either oblivious to or unconcerned by our growing discomfort, "let me show you to the dining hall. Remember, you will have your answers after dinner. Please refrain from outbursts or questions until then.”
The unsteady murmurs and mutters rose again around me, but Elowen turned and began making her way up the hall. Despite the craziness of it all, I followed along, much like everyone else.
She’d made it clear that we’d get our answers. I hoped.
As I followed her, my mind raced. What exactly was going on here? And more importantly, how was I going to get out of it? Was I ever going to be able to go home? Hell, did I even want to? I was both excited and utterly terrified of this new world I was now in. She’d said we had to consider our lives on hold. For how long? What did this old bloodline even mean? My mind swirled, but when Elowen pushed through the heavy doors of the dining hall, all my concerns melted away for a moment.
The dining hall was... well, magical was the only word for it. It reminded me of the Great Hall fromHarry Potter, but cranked up to eleven. The tables and chairs were made of some sort of polished white material that seemed to glow from within. But it was the ceiling that truly took my breath away.
Above us, a massive scene played out in shimmering, ever-shifting colors. Dragons - dozens of them - locked in an epic battle with what looked like shadows. As I watched, a ruby-red dragon much like Eirian’s shifted state dove through a cloud, emerging to breathe a stream of fire at a shadowy opponent. The entire tableau moved fluidly, like a living painting.
"Whoa," Christopher breathed beside me, his eyes wide with wonder.
I nodded, momentarily speechless. For all the craziness of this situation, I couldn't deny the sheer beauty of what I was seeing.
Elowen, seemingly unimpressed by our awe, continued her tour. “This is where you will dine together and get to know your fellow companions. Come along now. Let's return to your living quarters."
We followed her back to the communal area we'd seen earlier, the unease still evident in the soft murmurs of our group.
“Well, as I said earlier, you can all choose your rooms in your set halls. Check the times for your meals, and we will speak with you again in the dining hall. For now, get settled in. This will be your home for a while,” Elowen said as she turned to speak with our group.
“You can’t just keep us here,” someone muttered.
“Yes, we can. But we are not captors or anything of the like. Please, think of this as a wonderful new experience. You will be filled in on everything soon. Take a moment to adjust and find yourself a room in your respective halls,” she said carefully, a smile plastered on her face before she turned away.
More people argued, but she ignored them as she headed the way we came, the door closing behind her and blocking off the original hall we’d come down.