Page 37 of The Banker's Bride
“It’s always a pleasure to dance with the prettiest lady in the room.” Charles took her hand and led her over to Dallas. “You’re a very lucky man, my friend.”
Dallas took her hand and tucked it into his arm. “Yes, I am.”
“Well, I’m off to mingle.” Charles smiled and bowed slightly. “If you’ll excuse me.” Then he walked over to Colton, Ella, and the children, and began talking animatedly with them.
The string quartet started playing another waltz.
“It appears that they’re playing our song.”
One corner of Megan’s lips curled into a smile. “We have a song?”
“We do now.” Dallas took her hand and led her to the dance floor.
Megan’s heart fluttered as her husband led her in a waltz, letting the music fill her soul as they glided around the room.
“Can you ever forgive me for being so foolish? Not only for how I behaved tonight, but for earlier, too. I should have never accused you of Charles—”
“Dallas,” Megan cut him off, “whether ye know it or not, Charles thinks the world of ye and would never hurt ye… and nor would I. And I think the world of ye, too.” It was the first time that Megan had ever admitted that she cared for him. She hadn’t planned on it. In fact, she didn’t want to fall for him. She had lost everyone she had ever loved, and she didn’t know if her heart could take any more.
Dallas smiled and brought her to his chest, just as the song came to an end. “Thank you… for forgiving me.”
Megan pulled back to look into his eyes. “But Dallas, ye have to start trusting me.” She bit her lower lip, trying to find the right words. “Ye’ve worked hard for what ye have. But ye can’t live in fear of someone taking it away.”
Dallas nodded as a faraway look came into his eyes. As they danced, they felt the music, letting it envelop them as they glided across the dance floor. “Please, be patient with me.”
Megan nodded, knowing she would have to be, hoping they could get over their pasts, but wondering if they ever would.
Chapter 8
Feeling a kiss on her cheek, Megan stirred and rolled over to face Dallas the next morning. When she opened her eyes, it was still dark outside. “Dallas?” she breathed against his chest, trying to orient herself. She was getting used to waking up with him every morning, but it still took a bit for her to wake completely.
He softly kissed her lips. “Darling, I’m going to work.”
“Today?” Megan sat up straight, suddenly wide awake. “But last night… the party… I thought ye were taking off today. It’s Saturday.”
Dallas pushed her hair away from her face, obviously enjoying her reaction as he looked into her eyes. “You sleep in and enjoy yourself. I’ll be home before you know it.”
Megan nodded. “Must ye? I thought we’d spend the day together.”
Dallas gave her another kiss. “Tomorrow.”
Then Megan had an idea. “Since tomorrow’s Sunday, would ye like to go to church? I think it’s about time that we join the community.”
He planted a sweet kiss on her nose and then slid out of bed. “We’ll see.”
Megan got up and pulled a work dress out of her closet, preparing to dress for the day.
“What are you doing?”
Megan froze. “What do you mean?”
“That dress.” Dallas nodded toward the work dress in her hand. “You don’t plan on wearing that today, do you?”
Megan looked down at the dress and then up into his eyes. “Yes, unless ye’d like me to clean the house in a ballgown.”
Dallas laughed. “Why on earth would you want to do that? I have staff for that. Mrs. Daly—”