Page 45 of The Banker's Bride
Megan told the woman what she needed, and Mrs. Carson set about helping her gather the items. Megan felt bad for having to charge the items to Dallas’s account, but she felt that since they were married, she had better start getting used to such things.
When she had gathered everything she needed, Mrs. Carson placed the items into bags and then Milo helped her carry them out.
Mrs. Carson stood in the doorway, watching and waving after Megan when she left. “Have fun tonight! And come again!”
Megan gave Mrs. Carson one last wave over her shoulder and then turned to Milo. “Would ye mind taking me home?”
“Not at all, miss.” He lowered the step to the buggy that Jake drove her in and helped her up. “That’s what I’m here for.”
“Thank you.” Megan nodded her thanks as they placed the bags behind the seat. She was excited to finally be able to dosomething for Dallas. He was always spending money on her and lavishing her with gifts. She hoped that she could return his kindness and do something for him, no matter how small.
When they arrived at the ranch, Milo insisted on waiting outside, saying it was a pretty day and he wanted to take in the sunshine. But Megan knew that he wanted to keep an eye out for intruders.
It took a bit of convincing, but Jacques let her use the kitchen, once Megan explained what she wanted to do. After she unpacked the groceries, Megan hurried about the kitchen, and set to work cooking, mixing, and mashing.
Intrigued, Mrs. Daly sat down at the counter to watch. “I would offer ye me help, but it looks as if ye have everything under control.” She watched for a bit, and then asked, “What are ye makin’?”
Megan smiled as she cut the potatoes. “Some traditional Irish fare. Cottage Pie, Irish Soda Bread, and Gur cake for dessert. I hope Dallas likes it.”
Mrs. Daly smiled. “I’m sure he will. And if he doesn’t, then ye and I will eat it. It smells delicious.”
Megan looked up and smiled. “I’ll save ye some.”
Mrs. Daly shook her head. “No, that won’t be necessary. Just promise me that ye’ll share yer recipes with me.”
Megan smiled. “Only if ye’ll share yers with me.”
Mrs. Daly laughed. “Of course. I’d love to.”
From the way Mrs. Daly was watching her, Megan could tell that the woman really enjoyed cooking. They spent the next hour talking about recipes as Megan bustled about the kitchen, preparing the special meal, while Mrs. Daly stayed out of the way.
When everything was baking, Megan started cleaning up the mess.
“I’ll take care of that, madame.” Mrs. Daly shooed her out of the kitchen. “Now, ye go get ready. Ye want to look yer best when yer husband gets here. Ye don’t want to keep Mr. King waitin’.”
“Oh, I couldn’t do that—”
“Yes, ye kin.” Mrs. Daly took the dish towel out of her hands. “Now, go get ready and leave the cleanin’ to me.”
Megan pulled her in for a quick hug. “Thank ye, Mrs. Daly. I won’ be forgettin’ this.”
Megan hurried up the stairs as quickly as she could, washed her hands and face, and then changed into a light lavender dress with little blue rosebuds. She pulled her hair up into curls, but didn’t bother with a hat, since she was at home. Then she pinched her cheeks, just enough to give her color.
Satisfied, she hurried down the stairs and assembled everything into a picnic basket that Mrs. Daly had set out for her. She heard voices, and when she looked out, Milo, Dallas, and Charles were talking outside.
When she heard Megan gasp, Mrs. Daly placed a hand on her back and whispered. “Don’t worry. He just arrived.”
Megan gave her a smile. “I left some in the kitchen fer ye and Mr. Daly.” She pulled the older woman in for a hug. “I hope ye like it.”
Mrs. Daly pulled back. “Ye didn’t have to do that.” She leaned in conspiratorially. “But I’m glad ye did.”
Megan laughed. “Thank you, Mrs. Daly. We won’ be long.”
“Never ye mind that! Ye just have fun.” Mrs. Daly headed into the kitchen.
Dallas looked up and his eyes brightened when Megan walked outside with the picnic basket over her arm. He took her hand and raised it to his lips. “You look gorgeous.”