Page 49 of The Banker's Bride
Megan nodded. “Yes, of course.” She started to get out of bed, but he pulled her back.
“Megan, thank you for last night.”
A smile spread across her lips. “What’s a wife for if she can’t listen to her husband every once in a while?”
He smirked. “Every ‘once in a while’?”
“Don’t push it.” She got up out of bed and slid into her robe, took out a dress, and went behind the dressing screen to change.
Dallas got up out of bed and dressed for the day in a light gray suit and white dress shirt. Then he slipped into his boots that shone to perfection. Mrs. Daly always took care of that forhim. He never knew when she did it, but they were always ready when he needed them. Or maybe Mr. Daly did it for him at his wife’s request. He pushed the thought aside and concentrated on getting ready for church.
“Megan, darling, I’ll wait for you downstairs.” He took his gray derby hat to match his suit, holding it in his hand as he walked down the stairs. He wouldn’t put it on until it was time to go.
“Good morning, Mr. King!” Mrs. Daly was walking through, carrying a stack of linen. “What a fine mornin’ it ‘tis.”
“Yes, it is.” He greeted her with a smile, feeling better than he had in a very long time. It was as if a weight had been lifted from his shoulders.
“Go ahead and sit down,” Mrs. Daly instructed. “I’ll be in with yer breakfast just as soon as I put these away. Jacques already has it prepared for ye and the missus.”
Dallas smiled, nodding his thanks. “Thank you, Mrs. Daly.”
When he walked into the dining room, Charles was already sitting at the table, eating pancakes. “Good morning, Dallas.”
“Morning.” Dallas set his hat down on a side table and then sat down across from Charles. “Have you been up long?”
Charles shook his head. “No, but I heard mention of a church service this morning and thought I’d go along, if you don’t mind.”
Dallas smiled as Mrs. Daly poured him a cup of coffee. “No, not at all.” Then he glanced over at her. “In fact, you and your husband are welcome to come, too.”
She smiled appreciatively. “Well, maybe some other day. But thank ye fer the invitation.” She walked around the table and refilled Charles’s cup, and then set a cup down at Megan’s place, knowing she would be down soon. “Ye be careful out there. It was snowin’ this morning.”
“Really?” Dallas took another sip of his coffee. “I thought it seemed a bit colder this morning.”
“I’ll have one of the men put another log on the fire.” Mrs. Daly walked back toward the kitchen. “I’ll be right back with yer breakfast.”
Dallas glanced over at Charles. “Will you be here for Thanksgiving?” It was just a week away, after all.
Charles smiled. “Yes, I was planning on it. I don’t have to be back in New York until Christmas.”
“Great!” A broad grin spread across Dallas's face. “I’ll have Jacques fix us a nice Thanksgiving dinner.” Dallas took another sip of his coffee. “I wish you could stay for Christmas. But if the weather is like it was last year, you may not have a choice.”
Charles laughed. “Between us, I wouldn’t mind. But if I can travel, then I must go. Nevertheless, thank you for the invitation.”
Just then, Mrs. Daly walked in, carrying two plates. “Where is Mrs. King?” She set the plates down, each filled with pancakes, and then set a platter with more in the center of the table.
Dallas poured syrup over his pancakes. “She’ll be down in a few moments.”
Just then, she walked into the room and both Dallas and Charles stood, and Dallas held her chair. “So sorry I’m late.” Megan shook out her napkin and slid it across her lap.
“Are you well?” Dallas asked. “You look a bit peaked.”
Megan took a sip of her coffee. “I feel so tired this morning. I’m not sure why.”
“We can stay home, if you like.” Dallas’s eyes were filled with concern as he gently squeezed her hand.
“No, I’m fine.” Megan reached out. “Could ye please pass the syrup?” Dallas handed it to her, and she slathered it over her pancakes. Then she cut the stack of pancakes on her plate, jabbed a few pieces, and shoved it into her mouth. She moanedin delight as she closed her eyes and chewed. Dallas and Charles looked at each other, their eyes wide, and then burst out laughing.
“What?” Megan asked, looking up from her plate.