Page 57 of The Banker's Bride
Then Megan rose from the table. “Now, if you’ll excuse me.” She headed toward the kitchen. Dallas’s eyes were wide, and Charles smirked, but Megan ignored it. She was going to enjoy herself today. And if there was one thing she enjoyed, it was feeding people.
“What’s the meaning—” Jacques bellowed, but stopped when he saw it was Megan. “Oh. Are you ready,mademoiselle?”
Megan nodded. “Yes, we are. What would you like me to do?”
Mrs. Daly was already waiting in the kitchen, ready. “Nothing, my dear. Go back in there and entertain your guests and we’ll bring everything out.”
She fidgeted, wringing her hands, not quite sure what was expected of her. “At least let me bring out something.” Her eyes brightened. “The rolls, maybe?”
Mrs. Daly took her hand and patted it. “You, my dear, are the lady of the house.” She bit her lower lip, as if trying to find the right words to explain. “Mrs. King, ye don’t want to embarrass yer husband today, now do ye? The lady of the house’s job is to entertain while the servants bring everything out.” Her lips curled into a smile. “But don’ ye worry. Jacques will help me. After all, he’ll want to take a bow for the turkey.”
“Oh, now….” Jacques looked up from stirring a pan of gravy on the stove.
“Well, if yer sure—”
“I am.” Mrs. Daly pointed her toward the dining room. “Now, go in and entertain yer guests. Enjoy yerself! We’ll be right behind ye.”
Megan nodded and headed back into the dining room. Dallas breathed a sigh of relief when she took her seat without incident. “I just went to check on the food. It’ll be ready momentarily.”
Just then, Mrs. Daly burst through the wooden swinging door, carrying a tray of lemonade. “Here ye go! This is just to get ye started.” Then she lowered her voice conspiratorially. “The rest will be out shortly.”
Then, Mrs. Daly carried out tray after tray, each filled with bowls and platters of food, including candied carrots, mashed potatoes, green beans, stewed tomatoes, dressing, and more. When Jacques carried in the golden-brown turkey on a fine porcelain platter that matched the dishes, everyone applauded. Throughout the meal, everyone enjoyed themselves, talking animatedly as they ate until they sat back in their chairs, fully sated.
Colton leaned back in his chair and placed his hand on his flat stomach. “Well, that was the best meal I’ve had for a very long time.”
“Hey, wait a minute,” Ella teased, slapping him playfully on the arm.
Colton shrugged. “Hey, the truth is the truth,” he teased as everyone laughed.
Megan couldn’t help but steal glimpses at Dallas throughout the meal. For the first time since she had known him, he was laughing and having fun with everyone, not as concerned with his money or wealth. He was just enjoying himself, much to Megan’s amazement. She didn’t want a repeat performance of the party. In fact, no one even brought it up.
“You should have seen him,” Charles teased Dallas. “The flock of turkeys got wind of us and one was running around in circles, not quite knowing what to do. Then one of them got the bright idea to fly away and the rest followed, but Dallas got the one running around just before it flew away. Clean shot, right through the head.”
Everyone laughed.
“I wish I could have been there,” the sheriff added.
“We should all go hunting some time,” Dallas replied. “There’s plenty of game around here.” He glanced over at Megan and smiled. “In fact, I haven’t had any venison in a while.”
Colton took a sip of his lemonade. “So, Charles, will you be here through Christmas?”
He shook his head. “No, I’m expected back home for the holidays. But I’ll come back as soon as I can.”
“Please,” Dallas interjected, “see that you do. It’s always a pleasure having you here.”
“When are you leaving?” Wyatt cut into a slice of Lillian’s apple pie and took a bite, moaning with delight. “Lillian, you really need to give Madison your recipe. This is delicious!”
Lillian smiled, blushing with pride.
“I’m leaving the day after tomorrow.” Then Charles chuckled under his breath. “If I try to get on the train tomorrow, I won’t fit in the door!” Everyone laughed. “This meal was delicious.” He held up his glass of lemonade to Megan. “My compliments to the hostess!”
“Here, here!” Everyone held up their glasses and toasted her together.
“Thank ye fer being here with us today. It means a lot to us both.” Megan looked around the room, feeling kind of foolish for taking the credit for a meal she didn’t actually prepare. “Although this was my first Thanksgiving, all of ye being herehas made it the best.” She held her glass up. “To everyone! May we all share similar holidays to come!”
Everyone raised their glasses in agreement and took a sip.
Much too soon, the evening came to an end and Megan was feeling the effects of the day.