Page 63 of The Banker's Bride
Dallas smirked as he sat back, taking her in. “I think you would have, if you had to.”
She let out a deep breath. “I was waiting, watching. If he had hurt ye in any way, I wouldn’t have hesitated.”
Dallas chuckled. “Yes, I believe you would have.” A shiver ran through him at the thought. Dallas didn’t know what he would have done if she had come after Frank with a knife, even a steak knife. A part of him would have felt sorry for Frank.
“What?” she asked, seeing his amusement.
Dallas chuckled. “Oh, no!”
“Come on. What is it?”
Ignoring her question, Dallas took another bite of his steak, letting the rich flavor and juices fill his mouth. Luckily, Megan turned her attention back to her meal. Or so he thought.
“I won’t forget.” She took a bite of her steak, moaning with pleasure.
Dallas swallowed. “I just can’t believe how brave you are. I don’t think I’d want to tangle with you.” He thought for a moment and then whispered, “Well, on second thought.”
She laughed and shook her head. “Ye’re incorrigible.”
“I try.” Dallas didn’t tell her that she would never know how unbelievable he could be. He was too much of a gentleman for that.
He tried to keep the conversation light during dinner. When they had finished and the bill was paid, he guided her toward the bank, placing his hand protectively on the small of her back as he looked over his shoulder. “I hope you don’t mind, but I really want to get you back home.”
She smacked him lightly on his stomach. “Dallas!”
“No... I meant... where it’s safe.” He raised an eyebrow, a devilish smile lighting his lips. “What did you think I was talking about?”
“Never mind.” Megan blushed, lifting her chin.
Dallas chuckled as his eyes darted around, making sure that none of Frank’s men were lurking around to finish the job that he had started. Luckily, they arrived at the bank a few moments later.
Charles came out just as they walked up. He was smiling, but then his smile swiftly faded when he saw the look on Dallas’s face. “There you are! Are you ready to go or would you like to stay a bit longer?”
“No, we’re ready.” Dallas put down the step and helped Megan into the carriage. “Wait here. I’ll only be a moment.”
Her smile faded, but she nodded.
Dallas walked away from the carriage and Charles followed, out of earshot. “Frank, one of the outlaws in Whiskey River, followed us and created a scene in the restaurant. He was wearing his guns in full view, but I was able to disarm him.”
A crease formed between Charles’s eyes as he listened.
“Do you have your gun?” Dallas asked in a low voice, trying to look casual.
“Yes, of course. Under my suit coat. I always carry it when I come to visit. You?”
Dallas would never go anywhere without it. Not with men like Frank and his gang lurking about.
“There could be more men.”
Dallas glanced over his shoulder and motioned at Jake, Milo, and Butch, standing near the bank. They looked at each other and then walked over.
“What’s wrong?” Jake asked. The others looked about.
“There’s been some trouble,” Dallas replied. “We need to head back to Whiskey River… now.”