Page 68 of The Banker's Bride
When she walked outside, Milo came around the corner of the house and tipped his hat when she stepped out onto the porch. “Good morning, ma’am.”
She smiled. “Yes, it is. Would you mind taking me into town this morning?”
He narrowed his eyes. “I don’t think that’s wise.”
“Don’t worry. I’ll be careful. I’d just like to go to the General Store to go Christmas shopping.”
“Are you sure you wouldn’t rather wait for Mr. King?”
Megan smiled. “I wouldn’t be able to buy him a present when he’s with me, now could I?”
“I guess not.” Milo thought for a moment and then replied, “But stay with me, ma’am, and I’ll keep you safe.”
Megan smiled appreciatively. She wasn’t used to such attention and having to have a guard all the time. She hoped that things would be different once the gang was out of town. As she stepped into the buggy, she wondered if Dallas would have armed guards with her constantly. She hoped not, but she figured it was just until the men in town left. Megan wasn’t one to live her life in fear.
As they were riding along, she thought of what Dallas had said the night before, that he loved her. But could she give him her love in return? No, it was better to marry for security, not for love. Then again, Dallas was generous and caring, but he was domineering at times, too. But no one was perfect… and neither was she.
They rode into town a short time later. Milo pulled the buggy down to the corner, careful not to stop in front of the hotel and restaurant. When they passed by, she noticed that not as many men were perched out front, only one this time. Maybe they got the hint and left town, but she knew that was too much to hope for.
“You can go ahead,” Megan instructed Milo when he helped her out of the buggy. “I’ll be fine.”
Milo frowned as he turned his hat in his hand. “Actually, Mr. King said I was to stay with you today and not let you out of my sight.”
She sighed. “Very well, then. I’ll be in the General Store, and then I’m going toThe Ladies’ Dress Emporiumto visit Miss Baker.”
Milo nodded. “I’ll wait outside for you, ma’am.”
“Thank you.” Megan headed into the General Store, excited to buy Dallas a gift.
“Why, Mrs. King! ‘Tis a great pleasure to have your unexpected company today!” Mrs. Carson slid a bolt of fabric away and then pulled out another. “Could I interest you in some of our finest fabric today?”
Off to the side, Mr. Carson scoffed as he slid a can onto a shelf.
“No, not today. Christmas is coming, so I thought I’d just browse and perhaps get a Christmas gift for Mr. King.” Meagan walked around the store, enjoying the freedom of being out alone for a change. She stopped to admire the Christmas ornaments and decorations on a table sitting front and center of the store. She walked over and there were also ribbons and plain wooden and glass ornaments.
“Oh, Mrs. King!” Mrs. Carson interrupted. “A fine woman such as yourself shouldn’t think of buying those.” She scoffed, turning up her nose at the table containing the items to make your own ornaments. “What you want is over here.” Mrs. Carson crossed the room to a table containing expensive glass ornaments.
Megan shook her head. “No, I’d really prefer to make them myself.” She gathered some ribbon and some wooden ornaments, along with small containers of paint. She had never painted before, but it looked like fun. Then she picked up a roll of wide red ribbon that she planned to use to decorate the house.
Then, she browsed the store, trying to think of something she could get Dallas for Christmas. It was difficult to think about a gift for a man who had everything. Since she couldn’t think ofanything right off the bat, she decided to think about it and come back later. She felt bad for buying Dallas’s gift with his money. But since they were married, she guessed it was hers, too.
“Mrs. King, a woman such as yourself—”
“Mrs. Carson,” Megan addressed her in a kind but firm way. “I may be Mr. King’s wife, and he may be one of the richest men in town, but I would appreciate it if you would treat me like any normal person.”
Mr. Carson coughed to cover a laugh. “I think I’ll go to the back for more supplies.” He quickly disappeared into the back room.
Mrs. Carson’s mouth was still open, but she quickly recovered herself. “Well! I never!” She walked off, and then bit out over her shoulder, “If you need any help, Mrs. King, just let me know.” Then she went on with her work.
Megan ended up buying some potatoes, carrots, some cranberries, and some other vegetables. She also bought some beef to make stew, and then more flour, just in case, not sure what they had at home.
When she was about to leave, Mr. Carson rang up her purchases. “It was a pleasure to see you today, indeed. Please, come back again soon.” He gave her a warm smile. Megan thought that he had enjoyed her telling off his wife a bit too much.
When she walked out, Milo was waiting. “Here, Mrs. King. Let me get those for you,” he offered, taking her bags from her. “I’ll put them in the buggy.”
“Thank you, Milo,” she replied, and then added, “I’m going over to see Miss Baker at the dress shop for a while.”