Page 74 of The Banker's Bride
Right on cue, Mrs. Daly walked into the room, carrying a bowl with a ladle in it. “Here you go!”
It smelled so delicious that Dallas’s stomach rumbled, not realizing he was hungry until that moment. Jacques followedbehind Mrs. Daly, carrying a wooden cutting board with a loaf of round bread.
“Irish Stew and Irish Soda Bread,” Megan announced, her eyes sparkling.
“Well, it smells delicious,” Charles replied. “It’s been a while since I’ve had authentic Irish Stew.”
Mrs. Daly began ladling out the stew, pouring a hefty scoop into each bowl. “Well, you’d better eat up. Mrs. King made plenty.” Mrs. Daly finished and walked discreetly back into the kitchen.
Dallas’s heart filled with pride. “Let’s say the blessing, shall we?” Everyone bowed their heads, and he said a blessing over the meal, thanking God for the good food, the good company, and all the gifts He had given them. And for the first time in a very long time, he could see all of the blessings in his life… and everything he had to be thankful for. Before that moment, Dallas hadn’t realized just how much of an impact his father had had on him and his life. In a way, Dallas was who he was because of him. He realized how much he had been carrying around with him. It was time he forgave his father and let the past go.
“Are you okay?” Megan asked, laying her spoon down beside the bowl, her eyebrows pulling together in concern. “You don’t like it?”
Dallas smiled as he shook his head. “No, just the opposite. I was just thinking of how lucky I am, how much I have to be thankful for.”
“We all do,” Megan agreed, giving his hand a gentle squeeze.
And Dallas knew it was true. It was high time he stopped blaming his father for his own shortcomings and go on with his life the best way he could. But sometimes, it was easier said than done.
Chapter 18
The next morning, Megan woke before sunrise. Moonlight streamed in through the window and a bluish cast filled the room. She glanced over and Dallas was still sleeping. For once, she had woken before him. Megan walked over to the window and moonlight was shining over the snow, sparkling silver and blue. It really was so beautiful that she had an overwhelming urge to go for a walk. Plus, she needed time to think. Since it was early yet, she had some time before she had to get ready for church. Also, the gang was staying in town, so it should be safe to go alone, as long as she stayed on their property.
As she dressed for the day, she wondered what would happen if she really did give Dallas her heart. Megan let out a deep breath. Could she stand it if he left her, or if he died and left her alone again? She had already lost so many people that she loved. Could she stand to lose him, too?
As she laced up her shoes and combed her hair into place, she wondered what Liam would have said about Dallas. She chuckled. Liam had always been so protective of her, despite her insistence that she could take care of herself.
But Liam would have also told her not to be afraid to love again. Megan knew she couldn’t go through the rest of her life protecting her heart from being broken again. Love was a chance you took. You might get your heart broken, but then again, youmight not. Love was a gamble and, win or lose, usually you were better for it. Even though she had lost everyone she loved, no one could take away the memories or the love she had for them. Knowing them, and her love for them all, had made her the woman she had become.
Megan slipped on her coat and headed down the stairs. She was almost to the door when she heard a voice behind her.
“Good morning, Mrs. King… er… Megan,” Mrs. Daly greeted her happily, obviously remembering that Megan had asked her to call her Megan when they were alone. “Did ye sleep well?”
A smile spread across her face, feeling more content than she had in a very long time. “Yes. And ye?”
Mrs. Daly shrugged. “Tolerably.” She took in Megan’s appearance and then asked, “Where are ye goin’?”
“Fer a walk.” Megan buttoned up her coat. “I won’ be long.”
Mrs. Daly’s eyebrows pulled together in concern. “Do ye think it wise to leave the house alone before daylight? Ye should take one of the men with ye… or Mr. King—”
“No, don’t wake him,” Megan stopped her. “I’ll be fine. I just want to take in the air and enjoy the sunrise. I’ll stay on our property and will only be a few minutes. We’re going to church today and I’ll be in soon enough to get ready.” Then she thought of something. “Would ye and Mr. Daly care to join us for church today?”
Mrs. Daly smiled, clearly touched, but shook her head. “No, not today. But maybe next week… if it’s okay with ye.”
A broad smile spread across Megan’s lips. “Yes, that would be grand. Ye’re welcome anytime.”
When Megan headed out the door, a rush of cool air hit her, but she pulled her coat around her tightly and walked toward the back fields, wondering if she had enough time to find the lake that Dallas had taken her to. The sun was just beginning to rise in the distance, sending shoots of pink and orange through thedark blue sky. Even though it was cool out, it wasn’t cold once she got used to it.
As she strolled through the freshly fallen snow, she thought of Dallas. She hadn’t been comfortable in the life he wanted her to lead, but he had made a compromise. If he didn’t mind her doing what she wanted to within reason, then she could act as he wanted her to when they had company. If he could compromise, then so could she.
At that moment, she realized that she loved him… let the chips fall where they may. Even though he could be controlling and demanding, he could also be loving, caring, generous, and compassionate. No one was perfect. He wasn’t, but neither was she.
But if she gave him her whole heart, could he give her his in return? He had said that he loved her, but he continued to doubt her. But could he give her his whole heart if she loved him entirely? Now that they could find compromise, she knew they could have a wonderful life together.
Then she thought of Liam and her parents. If they had known Dallas, they would have loved him, too. She now knew that she couldn’t go through life afraid to love for fear of losing them. How could she ever have a good life if she was afraid to love? Afraid to give her whole heart? At that moment, she realized that she loved Dallas nearly more than she had loved anyone else in her life.