Page 37 of The First Chord
“And he told Concepta?”
“Probably. The little shit.”
I grabbed a cushion and shoved it behind my back, getting myself comfy. “On the positive side, I liked the cottage.”
“Did you?” He sounded a little disappointed, yet I was sure that he’d bought the place just so I could rent it. In fact, I knew he had, the current owner had admitted that the buyer’s ‘representative’ had called and asked them only the day before whether they’d take the deal. Over the asking price, too.
“Yes, I did. It’s gorgeous. And now,” I said with a laugh, “I just need some furniture to put in it.”
“No point in asking Jimmy for any I suppose.”
“God, no. I wouldn’t want it anyway. It was all his uncle’s and came with the flat. The few pieces we bought together aren’t anything I’d want.”
“More his choice?” Ronnie turned to face me, his head still resting against the back of the sofa. “Got to be honest, I got help from Belle and Sim when I picked my furniture.”
“How long have you been here?”
“Almost a year. I saw it was for sale when I was visiting Beau.”
“Beau is close by then?”
Ronnie grinned. “Yep, and Elliot. They’re both ten minutes up the road. Beau’s old house was a bit further into the village, though.”
“He built the house he lives in now, didn’t he?”
Ronnie laughed. “Not personally, but yeah. He built it for him and Sim because his old house was his and Cassie’s and it was Cassie’s dream house. They haven’t been in long, only about three months. Beau threw a load of money at it to get it finished early.”
“That was so sad about his wife and son. You all must have been devastated.” Warrior Creek had always been one of my favourite bands and I’d followed the tragic story of Beau’s family closely. Thinking about it made me think of Jimmy. He’d always wanted to be like Beau, but he was half the performer and even less than half the man than Beau Bradley was, at least from what I knew of Warrior Creek’s frontman.
“We could ask them round if you like?” Ronnie said. “You could get to know Simmy, seeing as she’s coming on tour with us while Ethan goes and spends a week with Sylvie, Beau’s mum.”
I sat up, a bout of nerves tickling my stomach. “H-here? Invite them around here?”
“Yeah, why not? We could get a takeaway, or I’ve probably got some pizzas in the freezer. Di, who helps Simone and Beau out, looks after me as well, so she always makes sure that I’m stocked up on food.
“Wouldn’t it be strange me being here? I’m only a visitor.”
He frowned. “Why would it be strange? Besides, it’ll be good for you to meet her before the tour, and to get to know Beau better, seeing as you’re going to be travelling on our bus.”
“About that.” I picked at my thumb, anxious about the set up that Concepta had suggested. “Do you guys mind the fact that I’ll be invading your bus?”
“No, not at all. Although, not sure where you’re going to sleep.”
Something immediately passed over Ronnie’s face and I felt my own cheeks heat up at the unspoken thoughts wondering if his matched mine.
“I…” I cleared my throat. “I think they said they’re going to make some alteration to your bus. Something about bedrooms.”
Ronnie rolled his eyes. “Fucking Beau got his own way in the end then.”
“What do you mean?”
“We used to have a bedroom, on our old bus, for Beau and Cassie, but we took it out. We got a bigger bathroom and more storage, and he was pissed off about it, so he’ll be laughing.”
I grimaced. “Oh dear, it’s not going to cause a row, is it?”
“No.” He shook his head and flashed me a smile. “I’m just glad you won’t have to travel withhim.”
I was, too, but I had to wonder why they were letting me travel with Ronnie, when they were desperate to show Jimmy and I as a happy couple.