Page 35 of Menage a Passions
“Have you heard anything from Cece, love?” Jane stared at her phone while Becca climbed into bed next to her. While she adjusted her pillows, her girlfriend continued, “I know her curfew isn’t until midnight, but I feel like I should have heard something by now. Christ. What is this feeling? Why do I care so much about a teenager’s wellbeing?”
Rebecca turned off the light and lay at a higher angle than Jane, who preferred to sleep completely flat on her back with the thinnest pillow in existence. Not Rebecca.Especially when I’m cramping.Especially when her hair was recently done!
“Just make sure your phone isn’t on silent in case she calls. It’s all we can do.”
“At this rate, I’m not sleeping until she’s either home or I’ve exhausted what the local police can do to find a missing girl.”
“What? It’s her first night out with a group of youths who have probably snuck liquor into their dance and are doing God knowswhat.” Jane yawned. “You think I do not remember what that is like?”
“Or me, for that matter? I never had a date to a dance who didn’t think I owed them something for existing.” Becca attempted to resituate herself again but suffered to get comfortable with her back hurting.
“You all right, love? You look like you are possessed by the world’s laziest demon.”
“Lower back cramps. Medicine isn’t cutting it tonight.” Sighing, Rebecca turned to Jane. “Don’t suppose you could give me a massage, huh?”
Jane tossed aside her phone. “An excuse to put my hands all over you? I would say that I thought you would never ask, but what a lie. I knew you would. We have this place all to ourselves tonight, and that simply never happens.”
Becca assumed the position on her stomach. “Be nice, huh? And don’t forget to put extra pressure right where my ass starts. That’s where it gets really sore every month.”
Jane pulled back the covers enough to assume the massaging position above her girlfriend. “Shouldn’t you go to the doctor for this? You might have one of those unfortunate conditions that has your hormones all out of sorts.”
“If you don’t want to give me a massage,” Rebecca sputtered into the pillow covering most of her face, “then say so.”
“You and Cait do say that I don’t know how to do it properly.”
“That’s Caitlyn! She’s got all those knots in her back and even I can’t do it right.”
Jane’s hands landed on Becca’s back. Yet even as she started rubbing her girlfriend’s upper back, all Becca could think about was how lovely it was to have all that weight situated above her waist.That’s the real trouble area there.She wouldn’t say no to Jane giving it a good try to work some kinks, though.She has a touch like a god, after all.Caitlyn provided powerful vibes andknew all the right things to say, and Jane was the dexterous lover who brought the fun.
“Yeah, like that.Ugh.” Becca pushed her face into her pillow as Jane pressed her knuckles into the troublesome spot on her girlfriend’s shoulder blade. “Right on my neck.”
“Come again, love? You sound like you are underwater.”
Becca groggily lifted her head. “Back of my neck!”
She groaned in bliss once Jane’s firm thumbs were right where they needed to be. This was made even better when Jane leaned forward, pushing her thighs down on the small of Becca’s back.What have I done to deserve such beauty in this world?Back? Less sore. Cramps? Forgotten!
“You know…” Jane leaned her elbows down on Becca’s back as she spoke. “You are one captivating creature in this position.”
“Yeah, I’m quite aware that your pelvis is hot, Jane.”
“All I am saying is that our beautiful Cait has been gone for over a week and westillhave not made the most of it. And with Cece gone out tonight, we could be loud, Becca! Loud and proud with our lust, like old times!”
“Old times as intwo months ago?”
“That’s like two years ago in my head.”
Becca crumpled her pillow beneath her head and sighed. “I’m still super periody.”
“And I’m super horny!”
“Good god.” Rebecca pushed her hair out of her face. “You saidhorny.”
“My cup runneth empty of flowery prose to describe my need to come, Becca. Or however you expect me to say that in English!”
Becca had to think about it for a few seconds. On one hand, she was in no condition to have the kind of sex she was accustomed to with Jane, who liked it quick, yes, but also intense enough to make a woman forget where she was for an hour. But on theother? She had a hard time telling either of her girlfriendsnowhen they bared their sexual souls to her. Becca was the kind of woman who had her distinct way of “giving” in the bedroom. Sometimes,givingwas lying there and taking it like a pro.What? That’s hot too!Had it landed her in trouble multiple times before? Yes! But that was in worse situations with people who took advantage of her. Not once in her five years with this crazy couple had Becca ever feltused.In the bad way. Because she had to remind herself there was a bad way.