Page 44 of Menage a Passions
“Yes, something about a beauty pageant. How… quaint.”
“She’s doing an old friend a favor for the great state of Iowa.”
“I do not know what Iowa is, and I do not care.”
“Good call, Ma. It’s a very boring place. That’s why I’m not there and am staying in civilization here with the rest of my domestic family. Oh, but if you’rethatworried about Cecelia, we could abscond with her to the rural lakefronts of Iowa. Her chastity will be assured there, but I can’t guarantee the status of her sanity.”
Willow gave her the look that said,“Very funny, but I’m not buying it.”As Jane resigned herself to eating some of the fried rice with shrimp and oysters, her mother said, “I will be in town for at least a few days. I think we shouldn’t tell Cece that I am here. Unless you think we should?”
Is she asking for my opinion?What a wild day! “Cece is very smart. She’ll know you’re not here for any good reason. Let’s keep her unaware. Now…” Jane brought up the other thing poisoning her sense of security. “Lilian isnotcoming, right? I’m not going to have to deal with you both at the same time, right?”
“You make us sound like a burden instead of your honorable mother and older sister.”
“Oh! You think Lilian ishonorable?After all the smack I’ve heard you talk about her?”
Willow sniffed. “It doesn’t matter what I think of your sister. She’s my daughter. My opinion is tainted.”
“But Cece is a darling doll that must be protected? I see how this is.”
“By the time I was aware ofyourlack of chastity, it was much too late. I consoled myself that you were still technically a virgin because a man had not touched you, but how was I supposed to introduce you to potential husbands knowing your history?”
“Wow. Just wow.”
“You may feel empowered to speak to me like this now, Lin Hua, but I am still affected.”
“I was definitely not a virgin. Let’s clear that up, okay?” Jane realized what she had said and closed her eyes. “Why are we talking about this?” she asked in English.
Willow responded in kind. “Because you are now old enough to know where I am coming from. Admit it, you worry for your niece.”
“Maybe not for the same reasons as you.”
“But we are united in a desire to see her safe and happy. So, let us discuss how that best happens under your watch.”
“I’m not going to stop her from dating whoever she wants. Even if I hated the boy, it would be pointless. She’d find a way, like Lilian and I did. Hell, it’s even easier now! Cell phones have changed the game in ways I could only have dreamed of when I was her age.”
“I don't know if I should be scandalized or relieved.”
“Relieved. Feel relieved about me, Ma.”
“So, I am scandalized about my granddaughter.”
She's getting it!Jane kept her amusement to herself. “Please don't worry about Cecelia so much that you're flying across the world to check in on her. This whole conversation could have been done over the phone.”
“I suppose it's a crime for a mother to want to check in on her daughter as well? I haven't been here in two years. I have to make sure that everything you're telling me when you're in Hong Kong is the truth. For all I know, you could be divorced again. It's not like you brought Caitlyn with you last time you visited.”
“Ma, I'm still married. I'm still doing the same job. Pretty soon, I'll even qualify for a green card! Heck, I might already!”
Willow's breath hitched in her chest. “Green card? You mean, you'll be abandoning Hong Kong for…” She lowered her voice. “America?”
“Who said anything aboutabandoninga place I haven't properly lived at in years? Even when I lived there with Cait, all I had going for me was the language. And everyone speaks English anyway. Can't say the same thing about this country. Although, I've learned several Spanish phrases since moving here. Like,Donde esta la biblioteca?”
Willow was not amused.
“It's asking where the library is, Mum,” Jane said in English.
“You do what you must for your livelihood. Just don't completely abandon your Hong Kong citizenship. Some of us workedincrediblyhard and suffered through much to ensure you could grow up there.”
Jane knew she wasn't going to win this battle of wits. She would be lucky if Willow went back to her hotel peacefully and didn't bother Jane without Caitlyn for a buffer.Instead, I'm Cece's buffer between her and Grandmum.Jane didn't know how this had come about in her life, but here she was, suffering for it.