Page 49 of Menage a Passions
“I apologize,” Caitlyn said. “I had no idea that I was calling in the middle of you getting some, Becca. You know I’d help if I was there.” Ugh, wasn’t that the truth! Caitlyn had been missing her partners those past two weeks. Sure, Rebecca would be flying in at the start of next week, but it wasn’t the same as soothing the lonely burnnow.Damn, if Caitlyn had some forethought, she would have brought the vibrator she packed with her into the bathroom. Not that she should be using it in the tub…
What a dilemma!
The phone was back in Jane’s hand. “Here is the conundrum, love,” she said. “She is naked. I ammostlynaked. She is lying spread out on my bed like agorgeousgift from the heavens, and someone has called to interrupt us.”
“Not on purpose.”
“But you still did. Also, my strap-on is dry. Why? I could have pleasured her by now.”
“What’s stopping you right now?”
“Some naked wife of mine in the middle of God-knows-where America. Just remember, Cait, you are the one who buggered off!”
“Tell Rebecca I’m sorry. But I’m not sorry about you and your sad strap-on that isn’t getting any action at the moment. Sometimes delayed gratification is good for you.”
“To hell with your delayed gratification! This is Becca we’re talking about! You know, the one I’ve already revved up with a goodsik ho saibefore you called!”
Caitlyn only vaguely recalled thatsik ho saiwas some recent colloquialism for cunnilingus, and she only knew because she had been living in Hong Kong when someone on social media accidentally said that instead of“sik ho dung sai”which meant eating delicious things.I didn’t see the difference, personally.
“I missed you eating her out? Rude.”
“Oh, you should have heard her, Cait.‘Please, Jane, I need it so bad.’” Her impression of Rebecca was so far off the mark that Caitlyn couldn’t help but laugh. Mostly because she was completely incapable of mocking an American accent without it sounding like a British girl had suddenly forgotten how to speak. “Give it to me, Jane, my pussy is so empty without you.’”
Caitlyn snorted. “Hearing you say the word ‘pussy’ is always a trip.”
“Would you prefer I say what I’m thinking in my head?”
“I’d prefer you get on with whatever you were doing to our dear Becca.”
She briefly worried that the pause on the phone was a sign that she had been disconnected. Yet when Jane came back on, it was like the night opened before Caitlyn, ready to embrace her before she turned to the world of sleep.
“Do you want to listen in?” There it was, the toying, coquettish tone that only Jane Wong could inflict upon Caitlyn.Reminds me of the old times, all right.“Because that can be arranged. The kid is out of the house tonight, so we can be as loud as we want.”
“Oh, where is she?”
“Don’t you worry about that, love. Here, I’ll have Becca tell you what’s on her mind.”
Caitlyn wiped an eyelash off her face, leaving behind a trail of bathwater that was already pruning her hand. “Sounds like things are quite interesting over there.”
That was Rebecca’s gasp on the phone. “She keeps touching my nipples!”
“Yes, she does that. Real nipple connoisseur, she is.”
“Did you have to callright now?”
Caitlyn recognized that desperation in Rebecca’s voice. She only got screechy andmouthylike that when she was on the Denial Train to Climax City.Our wonderful Rebecca, always the paragon of patience and kindness… until sex is on the table.Sometimes literally! Nothing got Rebecca revved up like an army tank like a quickie on the table.
In bed? She was downright bratty if things weren’t moving at her preferred pace.
“I’ve gotta go!” Rebecca gasped into Jane’s phone. “This isreallyimportant!”
Jane reclaimed her phone. “Did you hear that? This is important.”
“My apologies for being the absolute worst with even worse timing.”
“Like I said, Cait, you can listen in. Should only take about five minutes.”
Caitlyn wanted to ask“Do I even have a choice?”Except of course she did. She could hang up and call back in fifteen minutes.Would definitely give me time to go get in bed and grab my vibrator…Now there was a thought. Except she knew how Jane and Rebecca were after they were done with their quick but intense frolics in bed.Out like two blown-out candles.Hmph.