Page 95 of Menage a Passions
Poor things.This was outside of Jane’s realm of influence, but she couldn’t help but feel she had something to do with this. Maybe that was silly. Maybe she gassed herself up too much with that thought.But it’s true…Were the girls fighting because they knew of their parents’ business rivalry? Had Jane made it worse?
As if he saw it on her face, Damon said, “Looks like I’m stuck here for a few more minutes. You should go.” His expression softened. “That’s the principal coming over here. You need to get your niece home.”
Jane agreed, but she had a feeling this was not the last fight she’d hear about.
Chapter 24
She didn’t know what Jane was so excited about that Saturday night. After weeks of a hush-hush project on her side of the new house, Jane was finally ready to reveal what she had been working on.
Caitlyn was likewise curious.
“Whatever she’s doing over there,” she said in the car while they waited for Jane to come out and drive them to the house, “she’s quite giddy about it. I can only imagine.”
Cecelia joined them in the SUV. Caitlyn shushed after that. Rebecca kept her thoughts to herself. They were dropping Cecelia off to stay the night at a friend’s so the other three could have a night to themselves. For the first time in weeks, the stars aligned for everyone to be in a good mood, not sick, and not rushing out of town for this or that. Kicking Cecelia off to a friend only made Becca wonder if tonight was the night shemight finally get to kissbothher girlfriends within ten minutes of each other.It has been… too long.
Such was life and love. Time went by faster, and Becca wondered how long it would be before she realized ten years had gone by with these two.
The knowledge that Jane was now forty and Caitlyn notthatfar behind hit Rebecca like a truck as they got out at the house. Already the sun was beginning to set, the three of them having an early dinner at one of their favorite seafood places so Jane could give them a tour of her wing.
“What is that look for, love?” Jane asked as she fumbled for the house keys. “You look like your grandmother’s died.”
Becca shrugged. “Nothing. Just being sentimental.”
“Hold off on crying until you see the fantastic job everyone has done.” Jane flung the doors open.
The three of them entered the house that they would soon call home. A part of Becca still didn’t believe it, like she sometimes couldn’t believe that Jane had once seen how she lived and insisted that she move into the guestroom in the riverside flat.It wasn’t like I lived horribly…Maybe to Jane, who had grown up in a spacious estate like White Fir in a cramped city like Hong Kong…
“Look at Jane, with her fancy section of the house all to herself,” Caitlyn teased as they went down the hallway leading to what was essentially Jane’s separate apartment.All she needs is a kitchenette and she’s good to go.Except Jane didn’t cook. Even if someone gave her a microwave and a hot plate, she wouldn’t know what to do with them. “The most spoiled girl in the world award goes to her, yes?”
Jane turned around in the hallway, sticking her tongue out at her wife. “I think you will find that noteverythinghere is for me.” She removed her coat and encouraged her partners to do the same. As Becca shimmied out of hers, she realized that shehad been sweating in her turtleneck and pencil skirt. Maybe it was starting to warm up again outside after all.
They left their coats on Jane’s bed, a California king-sized monstrosity that showed how much bigger this room was compared to the one she had in their current home. Caitlyn wrapped her hand around the end post that jutted up from the bottom of the bed. But Jane was more excited about the view of the natural wildflower garden in the backyard that was now beginning to pop. Farther on was a manmade pond that most of the residents on their side of West Haven could see from their bedrooms.
“Like I said.” Caitlyn laughed. “Spoiled rich girl.”
Jane backed her up against the bedpost, a smarmy look on her face liable to get them all in trouble. “Isn’t that why you married me, Cait?” Jane nipped at the smug superiority of Caitlyn’s grin. “To get spoiled too?”
Becca gave them space as she peeked into the closet, whistling at the tastefully arranged built-ins and dark green accent walls.It’s a separate room.Becca’s walk-in closet was nowhere this big. Even Caitlyn’s, with a built-in vanity that jutted into her bathroom, couldn’t compare to thedressingroom Jane now sported. Someone had helped her organize the few suits and blouses she had already moved over, but Becca didn’t know who.
She liked the painting hanging up in the alcove separating suit jackets from blouses.
That was a good day.Becca didn’t like looking at her photographs, but this was different. This was a romantic, stylized portrait of her and Caitlyn lying together, naked, a single blanket wrapping around them both. The boudoir painting had been a gift from Jane that past Christmas, and this must have been what she intended to do with the end product.I mean, it helps that Cait and I did it as soon as we were alone…
Didn’t take much in that family.
She glanced into the bedroom. Caitlyn playfully smacked Jane’s hand away, the two of them laughing as they wandered in Becca’s direction. “Ah, I see you have discovered my humble secret.” Jane motioned to the painting, ensuring Caitlyn saw it. “I can look at my two favorite women while getting dressed in the morning. A sort of ‘this is why you got up,’ reminder.”
Caitlyn purposely brushed by Jane, hand wrapping around her waist before pulling away again. As she dipped into the bathroom and exclaimed over the “hideous” light fixtures that were more Jane’s tastes thananyoneelse’s, Becca said, “I love this picture.”
Jane offered Becca her undivided attention. “As you should. It’s absolutely divine.”
Becca nudged her partner’s shoulder, much like Caitlyn had only a minute before. “Is this the real reason you want us to see everything? You want to make sure we know you have a shrine to us in here?”
“Not only a shrine toyouloves, but a dedication to your beautiful womanhood and radiating sexuality.”