Page 36 of Desolation
Everything is hopefully about to be settled, but there are a lot of parts in play here and we have to tread carefully. Going to war of any kind with another family isn’t ever something we want. Too many people die and for what? Because someone got greedy?
We’ve been having Aiden followed. So far he hasn’t noticed and has continued meeting with Dominic. We found out they are going to hold a secret auction at the warehouse. After speaking to a couple people, we got them in on being able to get the notifications about where and when the auction will happen. Though we obviously know the location already.
Once they get the date and time details we are going to go in and do a sweep. We have Reba and Elodie, along with a few of the other wives and girlfriends, on standby to help with the women after we pull everyone out.
We have a second location set up to move everyone to and a few doctor friends who are coming to help triage everyone because weknow they are not going to be in good shape. Dominic’s Familia isn’t known for taking care of the women they sell.
Hopefully most of them have families they would want to return to, but just in case they don’t, we are going to help get them set up somewhere and offer some resources to help them until they can help themselves.
So now we just wait.
The waiting is the worst part. Sitting around and waiting for the other shoe to drop doesn’t help either. No matter how much you plan, inevitably something always goes wrong. My stomach churns just thinking about it. Last time something went wrong I lost Elodie for a year and she went through unspeakable things because of it.
Never again.
She will be at the second location under heavy guard. I keep telling myself that, but something keeps niggling at me. We’ve been vetting everyone involved on our side thoroughly. Hopefully no one has slipped through the cracks. I have people I trust on her and Reba. But it could be anything. Something could happen to Dad or Anthony. Or even me.
I hear voices in the hall and see El and Reba coming out of the movie room. They are both laughing and El takes her phone out to make a call. Most likely it’s to Gwen. Their friendship has really grown in the last month. From the outside looking in you would never guess they are new friends. It seems as if they have been friends their whole lives. I guess that happens though when you bond over trauma.
El has also been seeing a therapist. So far it has just been over televisits but they seem to get along and she tells me she is feelingbetter about some things. She still has a long way to go. Years of abuse from her parents has left her with severe C-PTSD and panic attacks that still have not let up, though she has them less and less every day.
Elodie hangs up the phone and announces that Gwen is on her way over. She had to work late at the office or she would have been here already. Walking over to me she wraps her arms around me and lays her head on my chest.
“You look like you’re thinking pretty hard right now,” she says quietly.
“Just going over plans in my head again. It’s nothing really,” I say. No way I’m telling her I have a bad feeling. Her anxiety is already bad enough. I don’t want to add to it.
“Well, maybe later I can help you take your mind off things a little,” she says, waggling her eyebrows at me.
I laugh and shake my head at her. Once she got used to the piercings everything went smoothly. I think back to the first night with a smile. It was definitely a hot one.
We had gone to bed a little early and were watching a movie. My hands were roaming pretty much the whole time because, well, it’s Elodie. I can’t seem to keep my hands off her.
“Remember how you said the other night was about me? Why don’t you let me return the favor,” she said.
I zoom in on her mouth with laser focus as the words leave her lips. Is she saying what I think she is? Crawling between my legs she slidmy shorts down. My cock was already hard the minute the words had left her lips and it sprang up when it was free of my shorts.
She licked her lips in anticipation and took me in her hand, working it up and down while she thought about what she wanted to do. Locking her eyes with mine, she placed me in her mouth gently. I swear I almost came right then.
Using her tongue, she traced each one of the barbells on the underside of my dick, flicking each one. It gave me a little flicker of pain each time she did it and I found myself getting even harder. Well, I didn’t know that was a thing I liked.
She chuckled darkly at my intake of breath. With each stroke of her hand and flick of her tongue, she grew more bold, finally taking me all the way into her mouth and down her throat. She gagged a little but I told her to breathe through it and not push herself.
It was hard not to push myself up into her mouth but I didn’t want to scare her so I held myself as still as I could while she explored her limits. She didn’t even understand how much she was killing me by doing this, by stepping out of her comfort zone. My brave little Bug.
With each stroke down her throat she moaned a little and I could see her shifting her thighs as if she were trying to get some friction. Fuck this.
I pulled her head back and sat up, reaching for her, I laid her on her back. “Are you needy baby?” I asked her. She whimpered and nodded her head, about to protest that I moved her.
“Ah, ah, you said it was for me, so doesn’t that mean that I get to do what makes me happy right now?” I asked her.
She laughed a little and says, “Well, technically, yes, but I was trying to return the same favor you gave me.”
“Can I touchyou? I want to feel how wet you got from having my cock in your mouth, Bug,” I asked hoarsely.
Nodding, she lifted her hips so I could pull her sleep shorts down. She had on the tiniest panties I had ever seen. I knew these weren’t any that I had ordered for her. She grinned at me wickedly when she saw my face.
Sliding them to the side with a finger, I felt her pussy. It was soaked. Well, well, well. “Oh baby girl, did you like having my cock in your mouth? You are so wet. Soaked. Let me help you,” I said, sliding a finger inside her.