Page 40 of Beyond the Rules
I arched my body against him and wrapped my legs around his waist, driving him deeper in me. “Oh, yes,” I murmured, shaking with need. “Come in me. Anytime, anywhere,everywhere.”
His strokes gained force and speed. His hips ground in a primal, expert dance that taught me delight. He was a warrior, battling against the inevitable crash that would destroy us, but he wasn’t afraid of destruction. On the contrary, he was heading straight for it and taking me with him. His face hovered above mine, his eyes brilliant, his lips pressed. So good. He was hitting me so good. Soperfect.
He braced himself on one arm and lowered his other hand between my legs, where he pressed his forefingers under my clit and rubbed until I was crying out. “Comewithme.”
“Yeah,” I rasped. “I’mwithyou.”
He kissed me and, with one last thrust, off we went to a place far beyond our bodies’ boundaries, where pleasure turned to light and darkness was forgotten, where my body was turned into joy and his cock was the eye of the storm that wipedmeout.
We lost the battle, but we won the war, because the bliss that fractured us also forged us into a solid link, something fresh, unique, andpristine.
When I came back to my senses, the sky was dark and the sun had long set. The house was quiet and only the sound of Tanner’s respiration broke the stillness in thebedroom.
“Jesus, Nina.” He hugged me against his chest, tightening his arms around me as if he was never going to let me go. “Yougood?”
“I’m great.” In fact, my body felt totally satisfied, for once at peace with mypussy. “You?”
I held my breath and waited for him to find thewords.
New. Yes.Revived.
I turned on my side and threw my leg over his thighs. “About thosegirls…”
“What girls?” His forehead wrinkled in confusion. “Are there other girls in the world otherthanyou?”
“There were some,beforeme,” I said, giggling at his bout of amnesia. “Remember the girls at the bars? The ones who flocked to you because youweresafe?”
“Oh, those girls,” he said as if he’d suddenly remembered. “Whataboutthem?”
“Fools,” I said. “Complete and utter idiots. You are without a doubt one of the most dangerous men I’ve everknown.”
He tilted down his face and met my gaze. “And whyisthat?”
“Now, see?” I planted a playful kiss on the tip of his nose and smiled. “You’re going to have to figure that one onyourown.”
“But youknowwhy?”
“Of courseIknow.”
Tanner Vazquez could never be safe for any girl at any bar, not only because he was hot, sexy, and sweet, but because if a girl with a brain got a taste of his cock and a glimpse of his heart, she’d have no option but to fall madly in lovewithhim.
It was rush hour at the exercise pool, even though it was oh dark thirty, the stars were out in full deployment, and the temperature had dipped into the solidly cold range. The water wasn’t any warmer, but I refused to turn on the heat. No ocean I’d ever operated in had catered to my personalbodytemp.
I’d been fighting the current’s strongman setting for about ten minutes when Zar showed up. Apparently, he had no sympathy for my sluggish leg and a whole of a lot of respect for my breaststroke. He ramped up the setting before he donned his goggles and waded in, dressed like I was, in his black, thigh-length compressionSpeedo.
Riding the current, I made space for him in the pool. I dropped to his nine o’clock, allowing him to take on the brunt of the brutal workout. Ten minutes later, I spotted Aiden coming down the stairs through my goggle’s polarized glasses. Now I was in for a realworkout.
Aiden turned the current setting to the max. In a familiar drill, Zar and I drifted further apart, making space for Aiden, who jumped in with a shallow dive and, in a massive stroke, took the lead at the head of our spear formation. Aiden was a beast in the water. He’d broken all kinds of SEAL speed and endurance records. I settled in for the long,gruelingswim.
Damn my lazy kicks. They offered minimum propulsion. I was all core and arms as I struggled to keep up. The doctors were surprised at my progress. They hadn’t given me great odds on getting out of the wheelchair. They’d also said that the damage could’ve been a lot worse. A half millimeter lower and the bullets would’ve robbed me of basic vital functions, like peeing, shitting and fucking. Doctors had such odd ways of cheering a squid. Or driving terror intoone’ssoul.