Page 50 of Beyond the Rules
His cock lurched against my lips, but he caught it at the root and held on to it as he slid the fingers of his other hand along the contours of my face, a soft, gentle caress. “Yousure?”
I took his cockhead in my mouth and ran my lips over his shaft slowly, thoroughly, testing the width and length of him, cradling him on my tongue, testing my own depths. I steadied myself on the silks and, pooling additional saliva in the well of my mouth, moistened him as I went. His groan set my own blood on fire, and I swear, my clit might be miniscule by comparison, but it was as hard ashiscock.
I treasured the way he felt in my mouth, thick and stern, like a stake firmly planted in the ground. I grew him with each pull, working my way over his bulk. His cock slid in and out of my mouth, hard and straight, which meant that all accommodation had to happen within my body. I tilted up my face, stretched out my neck, and strove to control my gag reflex so he could enjoy the full span of his strokes. My mouth and throat made these small, lewd sounds, gulps, splashes and squeaks that echoed in my wetpussy.
Man, he was delicious. Having him in my mouth felt like luxury. If I’d thought about it, I should have expected this. Aiden was large by every definition and his package was also super-sized.
But I was nothing if not resourceful and I set out to discover the best ways of pleasing him. In one big gulp, I swallowed as much of him as I could and then, pulling back, pressed my lips tightly and pursed my mouth around the pronounced ridge of his cock. I worked my neck with every stroke, tilting my head in a rhythmical bob that helped him glide in and out of mythroat.
“Oh, fuck, baby, that feels so good,” he rasped, breathing raggedly. “Your mouth’s a fucking paradise, a wet, fuckingwonderland.”
I really liked being his wonderland. My pussy salivated, as slick as my mouth. I smiled up at him while I ran my lips along his side, nipping and licking as my tongue traced the crooked vein webbing his shaft. “How’s this?” I flickered my tongue againsthisslit.
“Shit, Nina…” His cock jolted against my lips. “It’s freaking perfect.Youare freakingperfect.”
His words had me shivering with need. Or maybe it was the passion in his gaze, transforming his caramel eyes into pools of need. His lips stretched taut over his teeth as he looked down. His eyes reflected the image of me, staring up at him, and my mouth skewered by his cock. My yoga pants were soggy between my legs. He’d pleased me in so many different ways since I’d gotten here. I so wanted topleasehim.
“Tanner says you wake up ready in the morning,” he said huskily. “I do too, baby. I wake up with a hard on every day. And watching you on those silks?” The smile he flashed flooded my pussy all over again. “I wanna see so much moreofyou.”
His hands grappled with the hem of my tank top as he took a break from my mouth and peeled off my shirt, pulling it over my head. He stood before me with his large cock stiff and glossy with my saliva, his gaze roaming mychest.
“Hell, Nina. Love your breasts. You’ve got kickassnipples.”
He wedged his shaft between my breasts and, cupping them in each hand, pressed them together and slid his cock between them in an upward thrust toward my mouth. He was succulent to me, strong, vital and wholesome to my mouth, heavy and hefty to mytongue.
“Your pussy,” he rasped, reaching down to rub between my legs. “Wanna feel yourpussy.”
I wrapped the silks around my wrists and pulled up, hoisting myself to the level of his waist. I braced my hands on the silks, thinking maybe he could pull off my yoga pants and my panties. But Aiden had otherideas.
“I’ll buy yousomemore.”
With extraordinarily strong fingers, he poked through the crotch of my yoga pants and tore apart the fabric, not a violent rip but rather an efficient elimination of the barrier between our bodies. He tackled my panties next. The lace stretched then split at the seams. My labia peeked out, fleshy and nude from this morning’s shave, framed by the torn blacknylon.
“Fuck, Nina, that’s the most gorgeous thing I’veeverseen.”
For a guy who spoke so little, he was a veritable chatterbox right now. Between Tanner and Aiden’s compliments, my pussy was sure to develop a superiority complex. Aiden lowered his hand between my legs and, cupping my labia, massaged my overheated flesh. I threw my head back, closed my eyes and moaned at his intimate touch. A moment ago, his extraordinarily strong fingers had been ripping and tearing. Now they slid in my moisture, rummaging through my folds, circling my entrance in a delicate, exquisite tease that enlivened the millions of nerve endings that converged precisely at his fingertips’location.
His touch was almost unbearable. I writhed on my silks, moaning while I moved against those blessed fingers. Close, so close they were to where I needed them to be. Far, so far they were to my desperatepussy.
“You like that, don’t you?” Aiden’s teasing smile upped the ante, his fingers barely moving now, offering only a tickle that coiled my inner muscles and made my pussy clench impatiently. “Let’s see how youlikethis.”
I gasped when his middle finger sank in my pussy, driving me to the edge of orgasm in a single plunge. “Oh, Jesus!” His finger was as big as some men’sdicks.
“Man, you’re so fucking wet,” he rasped. “Will youtakemore?”
I must have nodded, because he added another finger and I saw stars, of the good, brilliant kind. I braced my feet in the silks as he dipped his fingers in and out of me. He was good at it, thorough and rhythmical, the way I liked it. I threw my head back and enjoyed thebuildup.
He kept gliding his digits, strumming my clit with his thumb, but he tilted his head and lowered his lips, shocking the whole of me with the contact of his mouth overtaking mine. It was the most passionate first kiss I’d ever had. Aiden might be the quiet type, but there was nothing shy, hesitant, or reluctant about his kiss, or about the way his tongue took possession of my mouth and wiped out my capacity tothink.
I tasted caffeinated passion and liquid sweetness. I got lost in a mouth that cherished mine, in a set of lips that made promises I could barely comprehend, and a tongue that twirled around mine in an endless invitationtoplay.
“I’ve been waiting for a girl just like you to come into my life,” he murmured between kisses. “Smart. Pretty. Fucking hot. I like everything about you. Everything. The question is, do youlikeme?”
How could I not like a man who was not only caring, kind and generous, but whose fingers were so deeply and deliciously buried in my body? “Yes. I like you.Alot.”
“I wanna be your man,” he said, driving home the point with his plunging fingers and his gaze’s intensity. “I need a woman with a pussy as eager as her brain. That’s you, Nina. You. Do you wanna be mywoman?”