Page 52 of Beyond the Rules
My legs were still wobbly, but I wrapped my fist around his root and suckled him with all I had, succeeding at taking most of him every third or fourth swallow, swirling my tongue and sucking him as thoroughly as I could. I grabbed a handful of hard ass and encouraged his glutes to pump his cock deeper into my mouth. His eyes were glazed, his pupils were dilated, his body was coiled and ready to go. I loved seeing him like this, the power that I had over him, the pleasure I was able togivehim.
A burst of pre-come moistened my lips. “Baby?” he heaved. “Where do youwantme?”
I would’ve taken him anywhere he liked, but I wanted him to have a vivid memory of me, of us, something shocking and provoking to light his dark days and warm his cold nights. I looked up at him and pumped his magnificenterection.
“Give it to me, baby.” I opened my mouth and stuck out mytongue.
A roar echoed on the rec room, a rough, sexy sound coming from the bottom of his throat, a guttural interpretation of pleasure. His hands fisted around my hair and his tall body shook with his powerful release. Aiden came, a shot of semen that gushed out of him and wouldn’t stop, a fluid load that quickly overflowed my mouth. And then more, several generous spurts that I couldn’t swallow anymore, so I redirected to mybreasts.
God, he was beautiful when he came, a gorgeous creature practicing his essential maleness. I knelt at his feet, breathing heavily, savoring his seed, mouth coated in his essence, grateful, so grateful, for him, for the way he mademefeel.
I smiled up at him, even though I was sure he was blind and deaf at the moment. I licked his spent cock, softer now but still long and heavy between my fingers. I felt very beautiful doing this for the sweet, sexy, extraordinary man who’d asked me to be hiswoman.
That’s what Zar saw when he walked down the stairs. Me. On my knees. Drenched with Aiden’s come and licking my lips. His eyes darkened. His hands fisted. The smoldering look he gave me sparked a vision in my mind. Me on all fours on the carpet, with Aiden in my mouth, Tanner in my hand, and Zar pounding me from behind, deep strokes that made my breasts and my ass flail as I cried outhisname.
Then hewasgone.
Having Nina in the house was gonna kill me. I was gonna lose my damn mind from pure fucking lust. I stalked up the stairs, trying to deal with the gigantic boner throbbing in my boxers. I thought I’d seen everything that interested me in the sexual world, stuff that would shock and maybe even frighten the average folk. And yet here I was, as hard as I’d ever been, from a thirty second look at Nina, kneeling at Aiden’s feet, with his cock in her hand and his seed dripping fromherchin.
I felt as if I could explode just by closing my eyes and replaying the memory. I marched up to the bathroom, ripped off my running gear and turned on the showers. All four of them. The water was ice cold. It hit my body like a mortar attack. And yet my dick didn’t waver, stuck in the on position and tightening my groin with brutality that left me sucking forbreath.
I paced back and forth beneath the water flow. I considered making the drive to the club, where I could get my cock serviced by top-of-the-line subs anytime, any day. I needed a hard, long, kickass session to wipe Nina offmymind.
A session with Nina. My cock reared. Hell no, no way. I’d been avoiding her for good reasons. I wasn’t gonna change myself to be with her. I was who I was. Negotiation, maybe. Capitulation? No. I wasn’t gonna put myself out there when chances were that she had zero interest in being with me in the first place. To engage Nina, I’d have to engage myself. Hell, if I knew how to do that, I would’ve done it a longtimeago.
Her eyes, her hair, her body. Fuck, I really liked her ass. In fact, I liked everything about her. Her mind, her smarts and the glimpses I caught of her big heart, especially the way she was with Aidan and Tanner, accepting, honest, direct and real, but never condescending. Yeah, I’d noticed all of that. I even liked her goofy sense of humor. The peals of her giggles when they echoed through the house had quickly become the highlight of my day. I never laughed in front of her, but hell, she wasfunny.
The Dom in me relished her defiance, the way she challenged me with her glare, the quick whip of her chin when she stood her ground and the sexy twist of her mouth when she disapproved. She was a natural rebel. Warning flares went off in my body whenever I saw her. She’d be such a treat in bed, such a rush to teach and train. She’d be a huge challenge to my control. But I’d be willing if she was, which face it, she wasn’t. It could take a lifetime to instruct Nina in the fine art of kink, but what a lifetime itwouldbe.
A lifetime? I stuck my head under the shower. I was so goddamnfucked.
If the guys knew what I was thinking they’d be teasing me right now. They’d say I was smitten, which I wasn’t. Obsessed maybe. But I didn’t do smitten. I could probably adjust as Aiden and Tanner suggested, tone down the intensity, go vanilla, maybe even woo Nina to my bed. But once I started fucking her, I wouldn’t be able to stop. I knew this; every cell in my body knew this. My attraction to her was too strong. Worse, I couldn’t trust myself with her. I wanted her, as my lover and my sub. But I knew good and well that I couldn’thaveher.
Besides, she was gonna leave us, maybe not tomorrow, but someday. Why would she want to stick with us once she got herfreedomback?
The image of her at Aiden’s feet taunted me. I needed a fucking session right now. Shivering under the shower but still painfully hard, I looked at my watch. I had a busy morning ahead, including a classified videoconference with some high level folks at the justice department. No time to drive out to the club today. How the hell was I going to be able to concentrate with a hard onlikethis?
I squeezed the shower gel dispenser, soaped my hand and, leaning my forehead against the rock wall and closing my eyes, grabbed my cock and pumped it in my fist. An image of Nina formed in my mind, naked as she’d been on the rec room, only this time she wore a thick leather collar and balance on all fours, hands and knees braced far apart, ass high in the air, pussy exposed to my gaze, moist, swollen and readyforuse.
My whole body jerked as if I’d been hit by an electric jolt. I came so hard my balls ached, shooting all that come earmarked for her into the void, swallowing a hoarse, desperate groan. Jesus fucking Christ. This woman was gonnakillme.
Tanner’s voice brought me back to planet earth, to the cold shower soaking my skin. I opened my eyes and found my spent cock trapped in my own painful grasp and the rock wall, dripping withmycome.
“Sorry to bother you, man,” Tanner’s voice came again from the other side of the wall, hesitant but determined. “But I just got back and found something you need to seerightaway.”
“Be there in five,” Icalledout.
The door shut with a quiet click. I rinsed myself and hosed off the wall, before I shut off the water and dried myself off. Fuck this. I’d been in a sorry state since Nina got to the house. Hell, I was jacking off every five minutes. Worse. I’d been having wet dreams. Me. Wetdreams.
I toweled my hair until my scalp hurt. My level of horniness was off the charts. Nothing I did helped. Jacking off certainly didn’t. Going to the club wasn’t working either. I’d driven all the way over there last night, only to find that none of the subs in the house were acceptable. The one sub I considered had blond hair and perky tits. But guess what. She wasn’t Nina. My cock reacted to the otherwise perfectly acceptable sub with the revulsion of a vegetarian eyeing a steak. I loved steak, the rawer the better. What the fuck was wrongwithme?