Page 87 of Beyond the Rules
“You willnotcome until I tell you to come,” I said, licking her flavors from my lips. “You will only come when I give you the word.” I smacked her ass, a quick slap to bring her back and capture her attention. “Do youunderstand?”
Her compliance had my blood raving. This was what my fantasies were all about. My cock revived with the sights and scents of her submission. Dominating a sub gave me pleasure, but dominating Nina, submitting the woman who’d given new meaning to my existence? It had to be the biggest rush ofmylife.
I thumbed Nina’s swollen clit while I stamped little kisses all around her sex. I planted my lips on the smooth, silky skin and aspired it between my teeth, watching her closely to see how much she could take. Her body tensed beneath my mouth, but she didn’t ask me to stop. I sucked in some more skin, watched her eyes widen and let go. I moved to the other side and did the same, leaving behind a couple of love bites in the shape of my lips to frame her pussy, an act of vandalism on my own property, my version ofbranding.
I rose on my feet and, keeping my eyes on Nina, stripped off my pants. She followed me with those enormous eyes of her, watching as I finished undressing. Her gaze lingered over my hard cock. The tip of her tongue moistened her lips. Yeah, she liked cock all right. I came back to stand between her legs and, spreading her out, rubbed my erection against her pussy, coating my cockhead in her moisture. My dick doubledinsize.
My gaze fell on Nina’s eyes. “I’ve waited a long timeforthis.”
“Me too,” shewhispered.
I perched my cockhead in her slit. “Askme.”
“Please, Zar, can you put your cockinme?”
It was such a simple request and yet it was difficult, because my cock was ready to spill as soon as I pushed in her. I gritted my teeth and kept pushing, slow and steady, firmly burrowing in her, opening her up, feeling the tightness of her tissues reluctantly give way, submitting her tight little V one millimeter atatime.
I watched her body tense, her eyes close, and her mouth straighten into a tight line and yet I kept going. Even when she gasped and jerked from the depth of my penetration, I didn’t stop. I pushed until my whole cock was in and she was skewered on my stiff,throbbingdick.
“You’re so hard,” she said hoarsely. “I want to come so bad on your cock.” Her whole body shuddered. “I don’t know if I canholdback.”
“You can and you will. Look at me, Nina. Take a deep breath.” Her little nostrils expanded and her tits rose on her chest. “Deep, yes, that’s it. Keep breathing. I need you to give me your body. It’s mine. Step aside. Let medriveit.”
She squeezed her eyes tight, her mouth tight, her bodytight.
“Keep breathing,” I said. “Keep your eyes on me. Don’t think. Just do what I tell you, exactly like I tell you. Do you know what aKegelis?”
Her hair rustled against the table as shenodded.
Her eyes widened. “Rightnow?”
“Right now. With me inside of you.Doit.”
She raked her teeth over her lips and frowned. Her pelvic floor ventured a shy squeeze around the bulk of my cock and I had to take a few breaths myself. It felt good, too good. I closed my eyes and breathed with her. A muffled groan echoed in the back of her throat when sheletgo.
“You can do better than that,” I said, leaning over and kissing her lips. “Put some strength into it. Use your glutes,yourhips.”
This time, when she squeezed, her hips curled and her ass came slightly off the table. Fuck. Her pussy was a magicalplace.
“Now you’re getting the hang of things,” I said. “Givemeten.”
“Ten?” Her gaze widened, clouded with horror. “But I can’t do that andnotcome!”
“Yes, you can. Number them aloud. Make eachcount.”
I watched her jaw tense as she worked her pussy over my cock with increasing assurance. I brushed my fingers on her clit and felt her vitality increase with her arousal. The exercise was maddening. Her body reacted to even the smallest sensations. Her pussy’s grip had my cock throbbing with need. Her moisture trickled over my balls, warm andslick.
“Work it,” I directed, ignoring my own excruciating need. “Squeeze as tight as you can and then release completely. Let me feel youdothat.”
“Hard,” she rasped, eyes gleaming with need. “Sohard.”
“Squeeze, then stand down.” I nudged her with a tiny thrust, drinking in the spectacle of her struggle like drafts of fine cognac. “Breathe. Give meanother.”
She curled over herself, chin down, core engaged, teeth dug into her lower lip, hips off the table, her pussy clutching my dick like a tight little fist. “Oh…god…I’m gonna come!” She jerked on the table, clamped down on her lip and widened her eyes withdespair.