Page 60 of The Love We Make
We made love, but that didn’tmakelove.
Chapter 21
“Oh my God. What did you do?” Madison screeched.
I shrugged nonchalantly, “I punched him.”
She took a bite of pizza and rolled her eyes. “You did not.”
“Yeah, I did. A left hook so I didn’t mess up my pitching hand. Honestly, he deserved more than that for the shit he pulled.”
“I will never understand the crazy crap you all do to each other.”
I laughed and took another bite of my pizza. Madison and I were shoveling pizza into our mouths like we hadn’t eaten in days. She had sauce on the edge of her lips and cheese all over her fingers. Her hair was pulled into a ponytail and her face had no makeup.
I had just got through explaining how one of the rookies thought it would be a good idea to hide in our hotel closet wearing the mask from the movie Scream. No fucking thank you, that shit was scary. I mean, I don’t scare easily or anything, but that is the kinda movie that gives moody high school kids “ideas” and, well, like I said, no fucking thank you. So after he made me scream like a girl, I punched him.
Fair was fair.
Meanwhile, Madison was still shaking her head and biting into her pizza. Looking so fucking gorgeous my eyes almost watered.
We had come to New York together a few years ago on one of our best friend adventures but we didn’t get much time to tour the city. We did have Lucali’s pizza, though, and it was all she had talked about since. It was her entire New York experience summed up in one bite. Which reminded me, “Want to do a little sightseeing?”
She looked indifferent but nodded. “Sure. What ya got in mind?”
“I have been to New York a million times and I have never been a tourist. Let’s be tourists for a few hours.” I took my final bite of pizza and washed it down with my water.
“Ok. I’m in. But just a few hours. We need to save time to go do that thing you did with your tongue again.”
And now the water was all over the table. Hard to not spew it everywhere when she got straight to the point the way she did.
I started wiping up the water as I answered her. “I definitely plan on doing that again. But I also know we cannot spend all day in bed. I refuse to make you miserably sore.”
“That tongue thing did not hurt at all,” she replied with conviction, making me smirk at her forwardness.
“Empire State Building or Lady Liberty?”
“How about the 9/11 memorial? I know it may be a bit more somber than you wanted, but it’s kinda important. Ya know?” She was done with her pizza and wiping her hands.
“I actually think that’s a great idea.” It was such aMadisonidea.
We left Lucali’s and hopped on the subway to the memorial.
The history of the 9/11 memorial was not something Madison and I remembered firsthand. We were only 5 years old at the time. But I remembered my mom and dad being upset, I remembered them crying and trying to explain to me as delicately as they could why. I remembered shrugging it off and going back to playing with Madison.
She wasn’t fazed either. We were just too young.
But Madison always took history to heart. She mourned the fallen and praised the brave. Her heart was pure in all facets of honor. Even when she didn’t know the person. Even when it happened years before she was able to comprehend the significance.
She cared.
So I was not surprised she chose to visit the memorial. Or that she teared up walking the stairs. Or that she ran a delicate hand over the engraved names of all those lost on that fateful day.
I wasn’t shocked when she turned her tear-streaked face into my chest for support. I welcomed it, holding her tight knowing that she truly felt the significance of our visit.
I was thankful it was me that was with her when she visited for the first time. No one else would understand how Madison wore her heart on the outside of her body when it came to others. No one else would make sure she was ok.