Page 16 of The Way We Dance
The next morning,I got dressed for the first time in weeks. No tights, no tutus, no workout clothes, no pajamas. I had actual slacks on that were tailored to my small frame. The blouse was tucked in, my hair was down, and I opted for the blazer that matched the pants.
I may have been overdressed for a football practice but I wanted to make sure I looked the part I was asked to fill. A consultant. I wanted to be professional and business-like. I also didn't want to be mistaken for someone that didn't have her shit together.
A sleek black town car drove up to the curb right at nine and a middle aged man in a suit hopped out quickly.
"Are you Miss Giselle?" He asked nicely.
"I am," I smiled and put my hand out for him to shake.
He looked confused at first, but returned my firm handshake before motioning to the car.
"Allow me," he opened the door and I climbed into the soft black interior. I was thankful for the comfortable ride out to Johns Creek. When Mr. Peyton said he was sending a car, he sent the best. It reminded me of how my mother preferred to get around.
I got comfortable and decided to keep my nose out of my phone and on the window. I hadn't had a chance to explore too far outside of the city center so I was kind of excited to see everything that led to the practice complex.
I am not sure what I imagined but even a 30 minute drive didn't take us far from the city. We were still in the thick of traffic when we veered off onto an exit labeled Johns Creek. Maybe I thought there would be land and cows since we were in the heart of the south. Maybe a lake or two?
Don't get me wrong, we were in the suburbs and there was a lot less mania than downtown. The homes were huge, the landscapes were perfect. Even the shopping centers were kept up and pristine. I could see the appeal of why people chose to live here when they worked in the hustle and bustle of the city.
We drove another mile or so before a wide expanse opened up ahead of us. There was a large gate and a fence that surrounded the whole place. The sign said, "Welcome to Johns Creek Training Facility. Home of the Atlanta Jets."
The driver rolled his window down and was waved through without question. He must have done this for the team quite often. He seemed to know exactly where he was headed.
Instead of pulling into a parking spot, or even to the curb, he pulled through another small gate between a large wall. On the other side was a huge grassy field and two goal posts. On the field was the entire Atlanta Jets team stretching in perfect lines every five yards.
I was in awe of everything I saw. It was a cross between a college campus and a military base. It took me a minute to realize the driver had parked and was opening my door, helping me out of the car.
I slid my sunglasses on and threw my bag on my shoulder before letting the driver take my hand and lead me safely off the grassy area he parked on. Which ended up being a blessing because my heels may have been the wrong choice for the grass.
Standing straight and poised, I started to pull my phone out to call Mr. Peyton and let him know I had arrived.
"Miss Giselle?" I heard my name and looked up before hitting send.
"Yes," I said to the young guy with the Jets polo shirt and khakis on.
"I’m Dave, Coach's assistant. He asked me to meet you here and help you out today. Anything you need, I can help you with." He couldn't have been older than 20, which wasn’t much younger than I was. Yet, somehow I felt like a century older than Dave. He was smiling and spry, youthful and energetic.
Those were traits I was capable of but so rarely got to indulge in. I could picture Dave going to college and drinking on the weekends. He probably had a lot of friends and an exciting social life. I didn't see the Dave's of the world much. I only saw ballerina mom's and fellow business associates.
Until Mr. Peyton approached me in the lobby of our building, I hadn't spoken to anyone outside of my professional circle in months. Which, then Mr. Peyton became part of my professional circle, so there was that.
I sighed at myself, tired of being on my game all the time but not knowing any other way to be. Using some of Dave's energy, I mustered a smile and nodded, letting him know that everything he said was fine by me. I was glad I wasn’t going to be left alone.
"Well, Dave. It is nice to meet you," I held out my hand and he shook it. "Lead the way."