Page 37 of The Way We Dance
Leave it to Monday to make me late.
I may have been my own boss and I may not have had classes for a few more hours, but business hours were business hours and I did not like being closed when the times I listed said I should be open.
I blamed Monday. Or maybe I blamed how damn good I slept after using Ty to relieve some tension in my body. Not actually Ty, but the thought of Ty.
You know who I didn't expect to see first thing Monday?
I was both embarrassed, like he knew my secret, and confused as to why he was there.
"Please come in," I used my professional tone to try and hide how hard he had made me come the night before. I had laid there afterward wondering if he would live up to the pleasure I gave myself if I had been with him in real life. I had determined there was no way because in all my experience, I had never had a man actually elicit that kind of mind blowing blast from me.
Ty was frozen outside the door before I spoke, my words snapping his eyes up to me. He entered, seeming off and a little bit shaken, like he had seen a ghost.
"Everything ok?" I tilted my head, seriously concerned for a minute.
"Um, yeah, I guess." He set my bags down on the desk and looked around like he wasn't sure where he was.
"What are you doing here?"
"I was having breakfast in the park when I saw you running with the bags," he shrugged but was still looking around aimlessly. "Figured I would give ya a hand."
"And you are sure you are ok?"
"Yeah," he finally laughed at himself a little and shook the uncertainty from his face. "I thought I saw someone I knew."
I nodded and assumed it was an ex. By the look on his face it wasn't someone he wanted to run into.
"Well I appreciate you being in the right place at the right time. See you tomorrow for class?"
He had officially shaken off his daze and was back to being the Ty I knew and was annoyed with. He definitely was not taking the hint that he could leave.
"How's Sam?" His question took me by surprise and it actually warmed my heart a little. He seemed to be genuinely interested.
"I have not seen him since last Thursday. I did think of a few ways to help him though."
"Oh, how?"
"Not sure how I am going to do it but I want to be his friend. Someone that he knows supports him no matter what. I just have to see if I can do that, being that I am his dance teacher and not a student in his school."
"Seems complicated, Miss Metro."
He said my name with sarcasm but his tone deepened and his eyes were boring into me. I started to flush as I remembered him from the TV last night, looking angry, untethered, and manic. How was he the same person?
"Well, I know it is not ideal but if I want to be influential in his life, I need to be more than his instructor.”
"Is that legal? Or proper? Or whatever else?" It was a valid question.
"I do not plan on luring him to my car with candy."
Ty laughed and shook his head, "Yeah, well. I was a young boy once. Trust me, Sam may not be able to read between those lines."
"What is it you think I have planned for poor Sam? Back row at the movies? Late night picnic at make out point?"
"What else is there?" He joked.