Page 62 of The Way We Dance
Who was this girl? An ex?
Ty just rolled his eyes at her and said a quick goodbye. I wish I could say that was the only time that happened but there were two similar encounters with two other people before we finally made it to the glass doors.
We walked through a small group of fans that were held back by barriers and then found silence when we entered the parking garage.
"Told ya," Ty said to me as we walked hand in hand.
"Told me what?"
"People are curious. At least you googled your curiosity in private. Imagine being forward enough to ask someone to their face what their relationship status was."
"Are those your ex's or something?"
"None of them. The redhead is the owner's daughter, the other two were just family of other players. They were just curious."
"I can understand that," I laughed, finally feeling the tension fall completely away. Ty's reassurances were helping, but being alone with him was the main factor. "Where are we going?"
"Your hair is up in that tight bun and I am willing to bet you have no panties on. Where do you think we’re going?"
"My place?"
"No, my place." We reached his car, a shiny black sports car that looked like it cost more than my entire studio.
"Don't you have unwanted roommates?" I didn't want to be around other people. I didn't want to be a spectacle for Ty to parade around in front of his brother and friends. We could have all the sex we wanted to, but it didn't need to be for someone else's entertainment.
"They moved out Friday. Plus, I don't live far and there is zero chance of Coach knocking on my door."
If we were going to be alone, I could handle going to Ty's. I climbed into the passenger seat and when he got in on the driver's side, he slid his hand to my knee. Something made me doubt that he even realized he was doing it, like it just came naturally.
Conversation was easy because I spent the entire ride giving him the rundown on why Sam hadn't come to the waiting area with me. I explained about his brother and Ty tightened his grip on my leg at my words.
Shaking his head and tapping the steering wheel, he looked pissed and tempted to turn the car around and head to Piedmont. There wasn't anything we could do and it really wasn't our place, so he refrained and pulled into the garage to his apartment building.
He didn't live directly downtown the way I did. This area was a more posh and up and coming area on the outskirts of the city center. For some reason, I expected an overly ostentatious penthouse style bachelor pad that required a special code to even open the elevator.
To my surprise, Ty's apartment was understated luxury. The building was well kept with quaint businesses and restaurants all around. We took the elevator to the modest sixth floor where doors lined a long hallway.
Ty fumbled with a few keys but got the door open and led me into the entrance. I stopped and took stock of his place with its leather couches and huge TV. There was a small dining area and a nicely equipped kitchen to the side.
"Come here," Ty whispered as he pulled me in closer. Our kiss didn't start out sweet and unassuming, it was fierce and straight to the point.
"Fuck I’ve wanted to kiss you since Thursday," he groaned into my lips. "I want to keep kissing you. All. Fucking. Night."
I nodded as our lips stayed connected and went to lift his shirt slightly. He wasn't much help, in fact, he stopped me completely, causing me to pull my mouth from his.
"But first, let's eat," he smiled.
I wanted to protest and tell him no, that I could eat on my own time. This wasn't a date, this was an agreement, and I had waited long enough. But I looked at his face and checked myself. I ate at the game, but I was willing to bet he hadn't eaten at all.
"OK," I smiled. "Something quick and light."
He winked at me, catching my meaning, "You know it."
I followed him into the kitchen and he threw together a couple of sandwiches while I poured a glass of wine. Things seemed so simple and domestic, easy. We laughed and talked about the game. I told him I was opening classes again and that I had an officer arranged for outside the door.
What had started off as a plan to ease our mutual sexual attraction for one another had turned into an actual date. Hours passed as we sat at his bar and talked. He told me a few things about growing up in a rough neighborhood and I told him the whole story of my mother and I.
"Now I just have to get her to come down for the show," I groaned as I mentioned how I locked down the theater for our recital.