Page 46 of Dirty Monsters
Dominate her.
Fuck her.
Push her.
And for some reason, I also wanted to protect her.
Anything involving feelings had to be pushed back into the furthest reaches of my mind, though. She was fucking getting to me.
When I returned to the commons area for dinner, I didn’t intend to search her out again. I kept my eyes down, but they begged to wander.To check for her, to peek.
I walked through the dinner line and asked for whatever they could serve me that didn’t require me to look. Even looking at the food options made it too tempting to look around and seek out Wren.
Unfortunately, as soon as I turned away from the counter, my eyes found her without even trying. She was with Shawn yet again. Instead of suffering through dinner at a nearby table, I changed my plans quickly. I wasn’t about to sit and watch them laugh and giggle the dinner hour away.
I took the food to my room to sulk.
Why the fuck was I sulking?
I turned on the TV and flopped down onto my bed, just now noticing I had chicken potpie on my tray. I fucking hated that shit. I set it aside and tried to move on to mindless TV.Ink Godwas on, and for two seconds, I thought about getting another tattoo. It was the only two seconds I didn’t overthink everything about Wren.
I had friends who worked at Tattered Designs who would hook me up with whatever I wanted. It was where I usually saw Lip when I was in the mood to see other people outside of the walls of this facility.
I couldn’t stomach the idea of seeing Lip again so soon after we’d fought over Wren. I felt little remorse over fighting with him, though. My connection to Wren aside, he knew what my job was and how protective I could get over my patients. Then he’d opened his damn mouth, spilling out little secrets like scattered dust on the ground.Not much else I could do but fuck his face up.
Picking up my food, I started to scarf it down like a starving kid. I might have hated chicken potpie, but I knew what it was like to wonder where my next meal would come from, so I tried not to be picky.
It also gave me something to bitch about in my head other than Wren. Which made me feel lighter and more at peace than I was when I saw her with Shawn.
So instead of sitting and sulking more, and instead of being uptight, I grabbed my board and snuck out toward the beach to catch some late waves.
This was the latest I had been out in a while. The sun hadn’t completely set, but it was low enough the water seemed darker and eerie. Wasting no time, I ran in with my board, hoping to get at least one good ride before I lost the light.
But once I paddled out there, I let the waves rock the rest of the tension from my body and laid there. I flipped onto my back and watched as the stars started to dot the sky from the east.
I was fed, in my happy place, and content. Even if I didn't catch a wave, this was what I needed after a day of letting my mind wander too far off the deep end.
As I kicked my right foot into the water to keep myself turned toward the darker side of the sky, I grazed something and shot up, worried a shark had decided they too wanted chicken potpie.
I pulled my legs up onto my board and watched as Wren emerged from the water with a huge smile on her face.
“Scare ya?”
Fuck. I smiled. I didn't want to smile around her ever, but she seemed pretty satisfied with herself, and it was kind of endearing. Plus, it was the first innocent thing she had said to me.
“You always scare me, sis.” The words were playful, and my tone was light, but using the word “sis” made her blanch a little. She was Wren, and nothing knocked her off her game very long.
Reaching one hand up toward me, she wiggled her fingers and raised her brows. “Help me up.”
I straddled my board, and for some reason, I lifted her from the water and onto my board with me. She straddled the other side, facing me as the sun was almost completely withdrawn.
“What are you fucking doing out here?” I finally asked.
“Is this how you talk to a girl who swallowed your cum and two gallons of chlorine water for you?”
I rolled my eyes, staying silent and not giving her the satisfaction of an answer. Some part of me wanted to start paddling toward the shore and call it a night. The other part of me wanted to stay there and hash things out with Wren.
Even when we were fighting, I felt more alive when she was around. An hour before now, I was contemplating a tattoo and thinking about how tender and crispy my chicken was. Now, I was sizzling from my fingertips. My muscles were twitching with excitement, and my dick was stirring even if it had no reason to. It was simply being there with her. I was getting addicted to her closeness and fast.