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She looked worried, as I expected, but she nodded and reached for the handle to her door. “Okay.”
When we got out of the car, I picked Max up into my arms and led Jesse through the back entrance. Miles was working the event and managed to slide me a pass so we could avoid the crowded parking area off the main road. It was all part of my plan to make Jesse feel comfortable and welcome around a sea of people she didn’t know.
“There you are,” Miles hollered as we made it to the middle of the field. He was in his uniform, clearly on duty as part of security. Standingnextto him was his friend, Linc, who was also in his police uniform.
“We made it,” I smiled, squeezing Jesse’s hand gently. But when we got closer, I wrapped my arm around her instead and whispered into her ear. “I want you to meet my brother.”
“No hanky-panky,” Miles yelled, making me laugh and turn my attention back to him. “This is a family event.”
“Just warning her that she was about to meet my obnoxious and extremely less attractive younger brother. Miles, this is Jesse, the girl I’ve been telling you about. Jesse, this is the unfortunate reason I’m not the youngest in our family.”
“Oh,” Miles drawled, reaching out to shake Jesse’s hand. “He’s always so sweet to me. It makes me blush a little.”
Jesse was immediately at ease, smiling and placing her hand in Miles’. “Nice meeting you.”
“And this,” I tickled Max, making him giggle, “is Max. He’s the next best firefighter this town ever saw.”
“Max,” Miles clapped with excitement. “Nice meeting you too, buddy.”
“Nice meet you,” Max spoke quickly, then turned to hide his face into my neck. Jesse rubbed his back, telling him how well he was doing while a look of pride stretched across her face.
We moved on with introductions to Linc, who had been standing behind Miles. Max still had his head in my neck and wasn’t much interested in Linc, but I couldn’t blame the little man. Linc drove a Honda Civic, for crying out loud. Which was fine if you weren’t a truck man, like Max and me, but it was hard to relate to people like Linc.
At least that was what I told Jesse as she insisted Max be polite and say hi.
“Easton!” My name spoken loudly and excitedly from behind me made us all turn around to see who it was. Not that I needed to look. There was only one woman who had ever been that excited to see me.
Hand in hand, Grams and Gramps approached us. Jesse shuffled closer to me, almost using me as a shield, like Gramps was wielding a semiautomatic and I was bulletproof. I knew it was a lot for her to be meeting my family before our lips had ever even touched, but that was what Harmony Haven was all about. We all ended up at the same places at the same time.
While Grams hugged Miles and said hello to Linc, Gramps eyed how close Jesse and I were. There was something in his eye, something close to the look he gave me the night he gave me hislatest riddle. I had almost forgotten about his recent battle with lunacy, but with one quick gaze, I was back there sitting at the dining table.“You have no idea what it means to be done.”
“Gramps is a little nutty,” I whispered to Jesse quickly as Grams turned her attention to us. “If he gives you a riddle, you have my permission to punch the old man in the throat.”
“Easton,” Jesse laughed, stepping out from behind me. “Areyounutty?”
“Yes,” I assured her, then pointed at Gramps. “I got it from him.”
Chapter Twenty
Easton thumbedtowards his grandpa who was laughing like he knew the punch line to a joke none of us heard. He seemed charming, was incredibly handsome, and clearly loved Easton. The pride he had was written all over his face and stuck out almost more than the laughter.
“Easton,” his grandma leaned in, giving him a hug. “We talked about you behind your back at Sunday dinner.”
She didn’t mince words, and I couldn’t help but let out a huge laugh. I tried smothering it with my hand but everyone had already turned my way.
“Sorry,” I giggled again.
“You must be Jesse.” Instead of holding her hand out, she leaned in and gave me a hug, making me feel warm and welcome. “You are even prettier than I imagined.”
“You imagined me?” It was a playful tease, something I realized their family loved doing, and something that made me feel a thousand times more comfortable.
“We sure did,” she laughed. “Talked about you behind your back, as well.”
“I’m honored.”