Page 41 of Done
Easton took my words to heart and made it his mission, roughly pushing me back onto the bed as my dress gathered around my waist. Instead of pulling it off he pushed my knees up and opened my legs, baring my wet panties. He stood at the foot of my bed, looking down between my eyes and my pussy, as he slid his unbuttoned shirt off his shoulders and let it hit the ground. He continued to stare as he went for his belt, and I moaned watching the way his arms and chest flexed while undressing himself.
With the heat of his stare burning a hole into my body, I instinctively started closing my legs, insecurity getting the best of me. But my movement made him freeze and lock his eyes to mine. Without uttering a single sound, he shook his headnowith the kind of demand that made me instantly obey.
As if he was afraid to let me start thinking for myself, he stopped working on his jeans and grabbed my thighs, pulling me to the end of the bed. “Hope you’re not attached to these,” he spoke with his mouth against the fabric of my panties. “I don’t want your legs closing long enough to take them off properly.”
There was no wrong answer. He didn’t even wait for me to respond before his fingers snuck between his lips and my pussy. They pulled hard, shredding the delicate lace I had chosen to put on that night and I made a mental note to call Francesca and order twelve more, just so he could keep doing what he needed to do.
“Oh God,” I breathed loudly, surprised by how quickly he had moved to get me into such a mind-blowing situation.
“I’ve wanted to taste this pussy since the first night I laid eyes on you.” His tongue flattened against me and he lapped at the moisture that had started to seep from my body. My hips started to move, desperately wanting to find more friction against his lips, but he held me tight, keeping control of every touch.
“The towel…” I trailed off, unable to even articulate a reminder that I had a towel around my body that night. Sure, it had been half hanging off, but it had to have created some kind of shield.
“Did nothing to keep me from imagining how perfect you were under all those tightly woven loops.”
His tongue once again tasted me, easing its way more forcefully between the lips of my pussy. Then his lips closed, and he created a small siphon that made my clit tremble.
“Told you I’d take care of you,” he reminded me, making me think of how serious he was when I mentioned going into the city to have fun. “This pussy is mine, Jess. I take care of what’s mine.”
Itwashis. At least in that moment, it was. He may as well have had a deed on it, signed and notarized with his name and social security number. It wasn’t as if I could have controlled any part of my own body. He knew exactly how to reign over me and I needed that more than I would ever admit.
Being a single mom was a lot of work, and I gave everything I had to my son. That included my life and my pleasure. If it didn’t suit Max, I didn’t allow it to come into our lives.
But I deserved Easton. I had earned the right to let myself feel helpless and wanton in his presence. And he had earned the trust I needed to be so vulnerable.
“Jess?” He lookedupbetween my open legs, making me lock eyes with him. His new nickname for me made me feel special, but his tone made me worry. “Don’t hold back,” he gritted between his teeth. “I want you to saturate me, baby. Test my mortality.”
His words made me pulse without even being touched and he smirked as he watched me come undone. While his tongue and his left thumb worked together to gently stroke me through my orgasm, he used his right hand to work his jeans open. Only after he was sure I had finished, he stood and let his jeans drop, stroking himself with his wet hand.
I thought he was going to climb over me, lay himself on top of me, and ease his cock into my body. But instead, he went back to his knees and once again took his tongue to my core.
“Again,” he whispered. “I need more.”
Instead of being slow, he aggressively licked me clean then closed his lips once again, instantly bringing my body back to life. He ate like I was a meal, moaning as he strategically placedhis tongue where I needed it most and using just the right amount of pressure.
When another orgasm took over my body, I screamed louder than I had before. If he thought he wanted to drown, he didn’t consider the fact that he may actually kill me first. My body was wracked, completely weak as my climax seemed to carry on longer than the first one.
“Oh my God.” Those were the only words I knew, apparently. It was all I could say as I repeatedly gasped and moaned.
Easton stood back up, his lips glistening from my cum, his hair a complete mess, and his cock standing straight up. He wordlessly motioned for me to remove my dress and I did, throwing it onto the floor and showing him my entire body.
His eyes went down to my scar, the one I had almost forgotten existed. It was the scar I got from bringing Max into the world, and one I had never shown to anyone since that day.
My hand moved to cover it, hoping I looked subtle and sexy. The last thing I wanted was to stop what we were doing, but I didn’t want Easton’s focus to shift either.
“Don’t,” he demanded, making me stop. “Don’t you dare try to fucking hide.”
“I haven’t been with anyone since…” I flinched, sounding both weak and pathetic.
“And no one is coming after me, either.”
I knew it was in jest, but his words still made me flutter with need once again. My hand stayed where it was, half covering the scar, as Easton used the back of his hand to finally wipe his mouth clean. Then he reached down and lifted my hips, moving me farther onto the bed.
My hand fell to the side, exposing the scar in its entirety as Easton knelt on the bed between my legs. Gently, he took his fingers to the line, feeling the ridges and eyeing the discoloration that would always live permanently on my skin.
“Fucking phenomenal,” he muttered, almost to himself. Then his eyes met mine and I could tell he was in awe. He spoke louder, clearer, and made sure I listened when he spoke again. “You are a goddamn warrior, Jess.”
Damn right I was. That scar may have made me flinch in our intimacy, but it wasn’t a spot on my body that I would ever regret. Nor was it a scar that involved a few band-aids. It didn’t heal beautifully because I didn’t allow it to. I worked my ass off to care for my son in the days that followed, and recovered the best I could. It was hard, and I was proud. And Easton seeing that in me meant more than he probably realized.