Page 63 of Cruel Bet
Dimitri expertly flips the pancake and Mads squeals and claps her hands with delight.
“We will be able to find out more from her today. I am sure she can help us fill in the gaps. The most important thing is that Arianna has her sister back,” Dimitri states, seemingly unconcerned by the strange sudden arrival of her presumed-dead sister.
Dimitri plates up Mads’ pancake, cutting it into bite-sized pieces and pouring maple syrup on top, then adding some sliced banana. She digs in eagerly, humming to herself happily. Her childish innocence and joy at something so simple warms my heart and I try to tell myself not to worry. I should be happy that Arianna has her sister back and Mads will have an aunt. A cheerful Endo comes in, helping himself to food and ruffling Mads’ hair to her delight.
“Any news?” he asks, and we both shake our heads.
“Nothing new, you?” I ask.
“Nope, ‘fraid not. Been out like a light since my last patrol.”
We continue to discuss business as we eat, debating how we can use Di Stefano’s death to our advantage, especially since no one seems to know he’s dead yet.
“He might not be dead, we only have her word for it,” Endo points out.
“True, but why would Adelina want to do anything that might hurt her sister? Presumably, if he’s alive, she’s here under his instruction,” I state.
“Perhaps she believes Arianna needs rescuing from you?” Dimitri suggests.
I clench my jaw, irritated at the insinuation that Arianna might need saving from me. Before I can respond, Arianna walks into the room, followed by a nervous-looking Adelina.
“There’s my baby girl!” Arianna declares, heading over to smother Mads in kisses.
“Mommy!” Mads says happily as Arianna picks her up.
Adelina hovers in the doorway, seeming uncertain about what to do. I study her closely from the corner of my eye, her expression doesn’t change. I wonder if Arianna’s already told her about Mads since she doesn’t seem surprised.
“Adelina, this is my daughter, Maria Adelina,” Arianna says, walking over with the child to her sister. “Mads, this is your Auntie Adelina.”
Mads comes over all shy, burying her head in Arianna’s shoulder. Adelina’s eyebrows shoot up as she exclaims, “You and Nikolai have a daughter? I’m an aunt, and you named her after me!”
I’m curious as to why Adelina would think that I’m father, after all, she supposedly doesn’t have much knowledge of what Arianna has been up to over the years, and as far as I’m aware, they went to sleep before discussing much more than what they heard. I guess either Adelina noticed us holding hands and assumed—or Arianna told her about us at some point this morning, but surely the fact she has a daughter would have been the first thing she’d mention to her long-lost sister, not our complicated relationship. I’m about to correct her and say that Mads isn’t mine when Arianna speaks up.
“Yes, we do.”
Arianna moves to take my hand and looks at me pointedly as she says this and I realize that this isn’t a ruse, Arianna is finally admitting Mads is mine. I should be livid that she hid it from me, that she’s telling me like this, but all I feel in this moment is pure joy that Mads is mine. My heart is racing with the possibilities, and I want to run and hug my daughter who is oblivious to the bombshell that has just dropped.
“I fucking knew it!” Endo cheers clapping me on the back, “Congrats, boss!”
“I’m a great uncle!” Dimitri says happily, a twinkle that could be a tear appears in the corner of his eye.
I’m at a loss for words.
Adelina looks confused. “Wait, Nikolai didn’t know? How is that possible?”
“Nope, way to drop a bombshell on him in front of everyone, Arianna,” Endo quips.
“No one knows Nikolai is the father. Nikolai and I were… separated before she was born, he’s only just come back into my life after Father sent someone after me. It’s complicated and a long story, but I promise to fill you in soon,” Arianna says to Adelina.
“Good, there are many who would try to harm Nikolai Kuzmin’s heir,” Adelina replies gravely.
She has a point, but all I can think of is that over two years of spending time with my first child have been taken away from me. I’ve already missed so many important milestones in her young life. As the realization settles in, I’m hurt and annoyed that Arianna lied to me.
Noticing my silent, stoic face, she looks at me and continues, “I’m sorry I didn’t tell you. At first, I wanted to keep Mads safe, to keep her away from all of this.” She gestures around the room, implying she means this lifestyle. “Then, I was so mad at you for taking my choice away about coming back I didn’t want to talk to you. I wanted to tell you last night, but Adelina arrived. I didn’t mean to hurt you, I only wanted what’s best for Mads.”
I know Arianna’s right, that she did what she thought was best to keep our child safe. I’d do whatever it takes to protect her too. But just like I always do when my emotions get too overwhelming, I shut them off. I know Arianna and I need to talk, that I will forgive her and find it in me to understand why she did what she did, but I can’t bring myself to do that yet.
“Pack your bags, everyone. We leave in half an hour,” I grunt, before striding out of the room.