Page 66 of Cruel Bet
“Where would the fun be in telling you that?” he replies, his tone mocking. “You took something of mine, so I took something of yours. I think that’s only fair, don’t you?”
“She is not yours,” Nikolai growls.
At the same time, I call out, “You can have me, just let them go!”
“Ah, Arianna, there you are, how noble of you. But no, I don’t want you. I already have a new, better you. What use would I have for two Arianna De Luca’s,” he says condescendingly.
“Then what do you want?” Nikolai asks through gritted teeth.
“Your power, of course. We’re family now, I think it’s only right that I should get my fair share,” he replies confidently.
“Where are you?” Nikolai asks, the muscle in his jaw twitching.
“An old school businessman who likes to do things face to face, I see. Very well,” he says, reeling off the address. “Come alone. I’d hate to have to blow Adelina’s brains out. Of course, my granddaughter is far too important for that. No, I have very different plans in mind for her future. Oh, and I’d hurry, he sneers. “Say goodbye, dears.”
In the background, I can hear Adelina screaming in pain and Mads crying. I feel sick to my stomach, and my heart drops at the thought of what they’re going through.
“If you touch one hair on her head, I’ll kill you,” I snarl.
“Well, well, well, it seems you’ve grown some balls, Arianna. If only you were a man, you might have been useful to me. See you soon,” he says, hanging up.
Neither of us needs to say anything, we both get up, sprint to the door, and get in the car. Nikolai calls the others and updates them on the situation but warns them to keep theirdistance. If my father sees any of them, there’s no telling what he might do to our daughter or Adelina.
Mercifully, my father hasn’t taken them to Chicago and is in New York. I don’t think I could have handled such a long journey to reach them, the hour it takes with Nikolai driving at breakneck speed is hard enough. As we pull up, I’m surprised by how many men are guarding the grounds. Immediately, our hope that we could kill the guards and level the playing field is squashed. There’s no way the two of us could get to them without being heard, and who knows what Father would do if we came in guns-blazing. Without the element of surprise, we don’t stand a chance of sneaking in either.
“Ready?” Nikolai asks me, concern etched on his face. He wanted to go in alone, but I refused. We’ve spent most of the drive arguing over it, but he knows I won’t stay put, even if he went in ahead, I’d just follow.
I take a deep breath and nod, not trusting myself to speak. We get out of the car and approach the guards at the gate who are expecting us. They pat us down, removing our weapons. I can tell from Nikolai’s rigid posture that he’s using all of his self-control not to start fighting. He knows it’s not worth the risk, even if he could take them down single-handedly, we can’t risk my father killing Mads or Adelina before we reach them.
Satisfied there are no more weapons on us, the guard leads the way into the house. As expected, it’s garishly ostentatious, just how my father likes it. The house resembles a castle, it even has a turret complete with small slit windows. I know for a fact, my father cannot possibly own this place and wonder if it belonged to Di Stefano. The guard leads us through a maze of corridors, past other armed guards, and down into the basement.
My heart leaps when I see them, both alive and unharmed. Adelina is gagged and tied to a chair and my father holds a crying Mads. Behind him stand two burly men. I long to run over and rip her from his grasp but I know I have to remain calm to keep her safe.
“Momma!” she cries reaching out for me.
“It’s okay baby, Mommy’s here,” I say, trying to keep my voice level and comforting so she cannot hear my fear.
Nikolai remains silent beside me, surveying the room and our chances of escape. From the grim set of his jaw, I don’t think I want to know what he’s thinking.
“Well, isn’t this touching, a family reunion,” my father drawls, throwing his arms open wide.
“You’re no family of mine,” I hiss.
“Now, that’s no way to greet your dear father after he’s finally rescued you from your kidnapper, is it?” he says, shaking his head.
“He didn’t kidnap me, he rescued me. You’re the kidnapper here.”
“Ah yes, your knight in shining armor, the brave Nikolai Kuzmin, rescuing you from your life of luxury,” he sneers.
“I didn’t want any of it, I’d rather be poor, than beholden to you or accept your blood money!” I say, glaring at him. My daughter is reaching out for me, and I long to close the distance between us, but I’m afraid of what my father would do if I approach.
“And yet here you are, living as his whore and spreading your legs for the city’s biggest playboy and siring his bastard offspring,” he spits, his words like knives.
“Don’t you dare call her a whore,” Nikolai growls, his voice low and dangerous.
“Ah, finally, he speaks!” Father declares with a wide grin, baring his teeth.
“Enough stalling, tell us your demands, and let’s get on with it,” Nikolai states.