Page 74 of Cruel Bet
“Are you nervous?” Dimitri asks.
“Not at all,” I reply truthfully, shaking my head and placing my hand in the crook of his elbow.
I see a glimmer of tears in his eyes as Dimitri wells with pride. I’m so glad I asked him to walk me down the aisle. I never truly had a father figure, and with Nikolai’s equally tragic ending with his father, Dimitri became a father figure to us both. He’s like a grandfather to our kids, and a better man than either of our dads. It felt only right to ask him.
As we walk down the aisle, I know there are hundreds of pairs of eyes on me. All of Nikolai’s business associates, including Svetlana and her father—who have been decidedly friendlier since she and Dimitri got engaged. Svetlana and Dimitri’s relationship shocked me, but I support it if it makes him happy. Endo was unsurprisingly chosen to be Nikolai’s best man, along with a couple of his closest men as groomsmen. I know the husbands and wives of our friends are here, as well as many people that I barely even know. But the only person I see as I walk down the aisle is Nikolai.
Everything else disappears and it feels as though we’re alone.
His eyes are focused only on me, and I know he feels the same. My chest is full of butterflies as I get closer, I feel so happy I could burst. I finally reach him, and we both just stare deeply into each other's eyes. Just like the first moment I looked into them, I’m lost in the pools of his blue eyes. He looks as handsome as ever in his perfectly tailored suit and I can’t believe I’m going to be his wife. That we’re going to spend the rest of our lives together.
I’m vaguely aware of the priest welcoming everyone and starting the ceremony. I watch as Nikolai says his vows. I savorthe sound of them as they come out of his perfect mouth, the warm masculine tone promising every word.
“I, Nikolai Ivanovich Kuzmin, take you, Arianna De Luca, to be my wedded wife, and to live together in marriage. I promise to love you, comfort you, honor and keep you for better or worse, for richer or poorer, in sickness and health, and forsaking all others, be faithful only to you, so long as we both shall live.”
I repeat my vows back, trying to fill them with as much emotion and truth as I feel. We exchange rings and mine slides on perfectly. Finally, the priest says the words.
“I now pronounce you husband and wife. You may kiss the bride.”
Nikolai scoops me up into a deep embrace as we kiss, the crowd cheering and clapping excitedly behind us. And just like that, we’re officially married. I am now Arianna Kuzmin. Wife to the infamous Nikolai Kuzmin, the leader of the most powerful Bratva in America, and mother to his two children. I couldn’t be happier.
No matter what the future holds, I know we can face anything together. That by each other’s side, and with the support of our friends and family, we’re unstoppable.
The waiters take away the last plates from the dessert and Dimitri announces the introduction of the speeches by clinking a spoon against his glass. A hush descends and he clears his throat, ready to speak.
“Welcome everyone and thank you for being here to celebrate the union of Nikolai and Arianna. For those of you whodon’t know me, I’m neither the father of the bride nor groom, and yet I have had the honor of being a part of their special day today and giving Arianna away. Arianna, never has there been a more beautiful bride. As Nikolai’s uncle, I have had the pleasure of watching him grow into a fine man, a strong leader, a shrewd businessman, and a doting father. I do not doubt that he will excel as a husband too,” Dimitri pauses and smiles toward us. In this minute, my heart feels full to bursting.
His uncle continues, “I can confidently say that I have never met a couple more perfectly matched than Arianna and Nikolai. I knew from the moment Arianna entered Nikolai’s life that she was the woman who would steal his heart. Though it took them both a little while to admit it, I knew they would eventually find each other again. You can’t fight fate, and they belong together. I’m not one for speeches, so I will leave it at this. I wish you a lifetime of happiness together. I am honored to be a part of your family and that I will be able to witness it grow. If you would all please join me in raising a glass to the bride and groom.Na Zdorovie!”
“Na Zdorovie!” the room echoes followed by the sound of glasses being chinked together.
As expected, Endo follows with a hilarious and wildly inappropriate best-man speech that has everyone in fits of laughter and that I am sure Nikolai will make him pay for later, but right now he’s smiling along and having as much fun as the rest of us. He stands, ready to say his piece, and the room is quiet once more.
“Thank you everyone for coming today. Arianna and I are honored that you are here to help us celebrate. For so long, I thought myself incapable of love. I felt that family was a weakness that your enemies could exploit. Now, for those of youwho know me. I’m never wrong. But, for the first time, I was wrong about something. Arianna, our two incredible children, Dimitri, Kimiko, and Endo, and all of you here whom I am proud to call part of our family, do not make me weaker. They are what makes me stronger. I do not doubt that the Kuzmin family and empire will continue to grow and become the greatest enterprise this country has ever seen!”
A raucous cacophony of cheers and claps erupts as people lap up Nikolai’s speech. He holds up his hand and the room quiets down.
“Finally, to my wife, I would like to say thank you and make a promise. Arianna, thank you for giving me the best gifts a man could ask for, our beautiful children and your love. I promise you that I will always love and protect you and our family. You are the most beautiful woman, inside and out, and I am proud from this day forward to call you my wife. Please, would everyone join me in raising a glass to my beautiful wife, Arianna,” he finishes, planting a tender kiss on my cheek and raising his glass.
“To Arianna!” the room echoes merrily.
My cheeks feel like they could split from smiling so much. The room is a buzz with the happy chatter of our loved ones conversing. Next to me, Dimitri is fussing over Mads who sits next to him while Kimiko bounces Maxim on her lap. Both of the children have been impeccably behaved today and I’m so proud of them. Maria is chatting away with Endo’s heavily pregnant wife, while Diego and Endo chat amicably. Looking around, I feel like I’ve never been happier than I feel right now. The trauma of the night that both my father and sister died feels like a distant memory, the people here are all the family I need. Nikolai seems to be similarly taking everything in as hesits quietly beside me, gently holding my hand in his as he looks around the room.
“And now it’s time for the bride and groom’s first dance,” the band announces.
Nikolai looks at me, a small smile on his devastatingly handsome face, “Shall we Mrs. Kuzmin?”
“I’d be delighted,” I reply with a giggle.
Nikolai guides me to the dance floor as every head turns to watch us. Normally I’d feel uncomfortable under this much scrutiny with every eye in the building on me, but with Nikolai’s strong, solid presence beside me, his hand resting on the small of my back as we walk, I feel invincible.
We reach the dancefloor, the music starts, and Nikolai starts to lead, holding me close. As we dance, I forget that anyone else is there, it’s just us.
“You look incredible,” he murmurs looking deep into my eyes.
“So, you’ve no regrets? No last-minute cold feet about getting married?” I ask, only half joking.