Page 40 of German
German’s long pause nearly killed me until he said, “Like my fucking wet dream come to life!”
It wasn’t poetry, but it was flattering.And exactly what both Maddy and Lexi needed to hear in that moment.
My heart began to race and my skin pricked with desire.Despite my brash persona, I blushed and lowered my lashes.I guess my inner Maddy was still buried inside these bold clothes somewhere.
“A few rules,” German told me then, breaking through my lusty thoughts.“You don’t go anywhere without me.You got it?”
“Got it,” I told him.“But what happens if I have to pee?”I could see all the liquor people were crushing around here.Once I got started, I knew I’d have to pee every two seconds.It was the curse of the small bladder I’d been born with!
“Then I take you or you go with one of the Old Ladies,” German explained.“Also, don’t go talking about your past or your tough childhood to anyone, no matter how well-choreographed you think the story is.Nobody around here cares about that shit.And even if they did, I don’t want it to compromise my Club’s business and have to talk my way out of any pointless lies.”
I rolled my eyes at him.“I wasn’t being serious about that!”I actually was, but when he’d looked at me like I had three heads, I figured my backstory was dead in the water.
“Good.Remember, I can live with you going by Lexi, but don’t give anyone your last name.Nobody gives a shit about your family’s name here.To them, you’re just another nameless, faceless girl at this party.Got it?”
Wow.That was eerily close to how it felt to be a rich kid at a prep school.I was born to play this part.“Gotcha.Mea culpa.I understand now.”
German shook his head.“On second thought, I might just start telling people you’re mute.As soon as you start talking, they’re going to know you’re not from around here.”
I laughed at his obvious discomfort.“You’re overthinking this.”
His eyes smiled back at me.“Even your laugh is too happy and innocent.What was I thinking bringing you here?”His gaze traveled up and down my body and I could see real concern growing in his eyes.
Stopping, I turned to look at him and did the most “Lexi” thing I could think of doing.My hand cupped the back of his head and pulled his mouth down to mine.The moment our lips met, we caught fire and the world around us melted away.
Strong arms enveloped me as he drew me tightly against his muscled chest.The kiss bloomed, growing as hot as a raging inferno.His hands roamed down my back and under my skirt, grinding his hard cock against my soft belly.Not to be outdone, my hands ran down his chest and along the seam of his jeans.Grasping his belt, I began to tug like a wild animal trying to get inside a locked honeytrap.
A woman beside us cleared her throat then.“You two want a drink?”
Like I’d suddenly been awakened from a dream, I canted back from our hot-as-hell PDA.German, not phased in the least, accepted two beers from the woman dressed in a straight-up bikini and high heels.And he’d had the gall to lecture me on my wardrobe choices!
Twisting off the lids, he handed one over to me.Upending the bottle, German took a long pull, his eyes never wavering from mine.I watched as his throat worked the rich brew down.It quickly drained from the tinted glass as he quenched his thirst, somehow making me exponentially more thirsty.
“Hey, German, why don’t you come over here and meet some of the guys?”Dozer shouted a few yards ahead.
Tossing his arm around my shoulders, German ushered me forward.In order to calm down, I drank several gulps of my beer.I wasn’t much of a beer drinker.But tonight, Lexi must be, because it tasted like fun in a bottle.
Lowering his lips to my ear, German said, “Pace yourself, Baby Girl,” before giving me a swat on the rear.“I want you lucid for later.”
A thrill of pleasure shot through me.Was German saying what I thought he was saying?I sure hoped so.Because I’d never wanted anything more in my life.
Clenching my thighs together to alleviate the tension building in my core, I followed German to where Dozer and his friends were standing around a large fire pit.
“I see you and your Old Lady are enjoying the party,” a dark-haired man with gray eyes and a long beard said as we entered the circle.As we got closer, I saw the patch on his vest read “President”.
I noticed German didn’t correct the man calling me his Old Lady.Despite not having grown up in the culture, I still knew some of the terms.I mean, I’d seen shows and read some books about bikers.It’s not like I was raised Amish.From what I’d learned over the years, Club girls were to be shared by all.Old Ladies were the exclusive property of the biker who claimed them.Smiling, I hid my joy of being called his Old Lady behind the mouth of my bottle as I took another refreshing sip.
“It’s a perfect night for a party,” German said, finishing his beer and accepting a fresh one from another nearly naked woman walking by with a full tray of them.
Dozer lifted his chin in the gray-eyed man’s direction.“German, this is Slade, our Club President.Mouse, our Enforcer,” he pointed to a mountain of a man who must have been ironically titled.“And that’s Smoke, our VP,” he said of the final man.A biker with salt and pepper hair and a lean physique who was talking animatedly with someone about some sports team or another.
“Thanks for the invite,” German said, his eyes traveling around the circle of tough men.“Reaper would have loved to be here, but he had business back home he just couldn’t get away from.”
Slade nodded.“I get it.Running a Club ain’t all parties and pussy,” the man crudely stated.
I almost laughed out loud at that response.I managed to stuff it down at the last second by practically swallowing the neck of my beer bottle as I chugged a sip.
“What’s your girl’s name?”Mouse asked, eye fucking me without any shame whatsoever.