Page 93 of Heartbreak Hill
He whispered in Lynnea’s ear about her flowers. Lynnea popped up. “Fank you for the flowers.”
“You’re welcome. I’m glad you liked them.”
“So pretty. Like you.”
Reid blushed, which Grayson loved. He turned the phone back onto himself. “We just wanted to say hi.”
“Hi,” she said. “How’s the play set coming?”
“Good. I have some help, so it’ll be done today. The girls should be able to play on it tomorrow.”
“Well, make sure you test it out beforehand.”
“I will. I’ll call you later tonight. I love you.”
“Love you too. Tell everyone I said hi.” Reid blew him a kiss. He wanted to be in two places at once but couldn’t figure out how unless he brought Reid with him. He was just thankful she’d believed him when he’d told her there wasn’t anything going on between him and Nadia. It wasn’t her he needed to see. It was the girls. They were the only reason he was there, putting himself through all this.
After he hung up, he watched Kiran and Nadia, with their heads bent together. Kiran was definitely interested in Nadia, and she seemed receptive to the attention he gave her. Grief was a funny emotion. If Grayson went by what Reuben had told him, he’d suspect Nadia wouldn’t date until the girls were out of the house. By the looks of things across the table, those two had something going on, and if it wasn’t happening now, it was going to happen soon.
Grayson and Kiran tightened the last screw just as the sun went down. Instead of staying for dinner, he told the girls he’d see them tomorrow morning, bright and early. Kiran had asked Grayson if he could help fix some things around the house, mainly cosmetic stuff that Rafe had intended to fix last year. Without hesitation, Grayson agreed. He’d taken off a full week of work to spend with the girls, and he’d do anything Nadia needed him to do. He’d be that person for her until she found someone else, and even if she didn’t, Grayson would be the person the girls could count on.
When he climbed into bed, he called Reid. Her face lit up his screen, making him miss her more than anything. “I love you,” he said as soon as she said hi.
“I love you too. Are you okay?”
He nodded and wiped at an errant tear. “Lynnea has been very clingy these past couple of days. I don’t mind because her presence makes me feel good.”
“And Gemma?”
“She had a friend over earlier, so she was busy. She also keeps her feelings bottled up. Gemma’s a lot like Nadia that way.”
“Did you tell Nadia yet?”
Grayson paused and cleared his throat. “Not yet. I will.”
“They need to know.”
He closed his eyes. “I know. Can we not talk about that, though? I miss you, Reid. Can you come up here?”
“I’m not sure.”
“Because you don’t want to or because of time off?”
“Both,” she said. “This is still very weird to me, Grayson. I’m trying. I truly am.”
“I know, and I love you for that. I just want you here, next to me. You’d like Nadia.”
“I might have to fight her,” she said, laughing.
Grayson shook his head. “I’m pretty sure she’s interested in Rafe’s best friend.”
Reid’s mouth dropped open. “What?”
“Yeah. I’m not sure, though. Just an observation.”
“How does ...” She didn’t finish her question.
“Thankfully my heart isn’t tied to her. Just the girls. It’s just them.”