Page 24 of That First Flight
“Let’s make it quick,” I tell her.
We round the house and I take notice of the fact that I didn’t miss the sky changing colors. It’s still the most beautiful hue of colors I have ever seen. If anything, it’s more vibrant than it was before.
I lift the camera to my face to take a few shots for myself.
I feel her eyes on me as I do.
I look down and confirm she is looking up at me in awe. Like she’s fascinated by the camera.
“Are you ready to give it a shot?”
“I’m scared I’m going to break it,” she admits.
I pull the loop off my neck that was keeping it in place, and bring it down over her head. She smiles wildly as she looks down at the giant camera now in her hands.
“This is so cool,” she says. “This is probably a million-dollar camera.”
“Not quite,” I assure her. “You won’t break it. That’s why the loop is there to put around your neck. You just have to look into this little hole right here, and aim it into the direction you want to shoot for. Then when you’re ready, press this button to take the picture.”
She’s clearly a quick learner because within seconds, she’s shooting the camera up to the view and snapping away. I’m willing to bet they will come out just as good, if not better, than the ones I just took a little bit ago.
I’m instantly drawn to her for some odd reason. The only thing I can think of is the fact that she’s a little bit like me. A curious mind that wants to learn all the things and finds any opportunity to do it. Like this opportunity right here, no matter how short on time we are.
“How old are you anyway?” I ask curiously.
“I’m eight. But I’ll be nine in June.”
“Mackenzie.” Samuel stands at the sliding screen door before I can reply. “Dinner.”
“I have to go,” she says in a more somber tone. “That’s really so cool. Thank you for letting me use it.”
“How about I put these on a hard drive for you and drop them off tomorrow morning to Samuel.”
“That would be freakin’ epic!” She stops herself, covering her mouth. “Don’t tell anyone I said freakin’.”
“I wouldn’t dare.” I put out my fist to give her a little fist pound. She does a little explosion at the end without me even saying anything as if it’s our own little thing. “By the way, I’m Oliver. But because you’re really cool, you can call me Ollie.”
“See you tomorrow, Ollie.” She skips away, leaving me to wonder what the hell just happened and when children started thinking I was cool.
I mean my nephew, James, seems to think I’m pretty cool. Despite Thomas thinking I’m trying to corrupt him.
I decide to make my way off the back deck and down to the little pond in the backyard for just a couple more shots before I get out of here. Here in the mountains, each home has a mini pond in the backyard. I’m told it's because if there was ever a fire, that’s where they would get the water to put the fire out. I learn something new everywhere I go.
Minutes later, the sound of a throat clearing startles me.
“Man, you are persistent,” she says.
I turn quickly and the grin that takes over my face is one Idid notintend to happen as fast as it did. But something about Macey causes me to feel so giddy inside. And just looking at her standing in the grass in a pair of skinny jeans, a peacoat and a beanie has my smile that much brighter. The little bit of sun that’s left and the white snow makes her tanned skin glow even more.
Fuck, she’s beautiful.
“Who? Me?” I point my fingers at my chest. “It seems to me likeyou’rethe one following me here.”
“What are you doing here?”
“I thought the camera around my neck would kind of give it away.”
“Oh, he’s got jokes.” Her smile grows as she nods her head.