Page 49 of That First Flight
He finally breaks the spell to ask, “Where’s Kenzie?”
I shake my head and smile, because I can't believe we’ve been here for as long as we have and she still hasn’t told him she hates that nickname. I think it’s adorable, but I know deep down she doesn’t care for it.
“I’m here,” she announces as she enters and eyeballs the crowd of people. “Hi! I’m Mackenzie.”
For the next few minutes, everyone goes around in a circle and introduces themselves to her. Their faces light up to match hers with how happy she is to be surrounded by so many new people.
Peyton finally introduces James to us and that’s when Mackenzie’s eyes brighten. She loves kids so much and I just know this is making her so happy.
Oliver leans in to whisper in my ear, “I think they like her already.”
I didn’t even realize he was standing next to me. Arms crossed over his chest, eyes fixed on the crew with my daughter, and a wide grin on his face like a proud…
Why did my brain automatically go to the worddad?
Oliver and I aren’t together and we won’t be ever. Maybe it’s the sting in my chest remembering that Mackenzie will never know what it’s like to have one. I want to be able to give her that someday, but my heart is just not open for that kind of commitment right now.
I know deep down that I have to fix my own life and get my feet planted firmly before I allow anyone to break down these walls.
“Is everyone ready to eat?” I announce, ignoring this feeling swirling around my gut.
For the past hour, we sat around Oliver’s giant kitchen table, laughing so hard that my stomach actually hurts, which is such a damn good feeling.
I’ve learned a lot about these girls during that time. Peyton just opened her daycare center and has been so busy but she’s loving every second of it. She even offered Mackenzie to come and hang out there whenever she wanted, which she was over the moon with the invitation to go ‘volunteer’ there… aka play with the other kids.
She’s always had a soft spot for them.
Avery and Marc are engaged but don’t have a single plan in place for the actual wedding despite Peyton’s protest to just ‘get it over with already.’ Avery says she just wants to elope and call it a day because she’s never had the desire to even have a wedding, but Marc feels the complete opposite.
Kali is definitely the more level-headed one in the group for sure. She will tell it to the girls straight and put each of them in their place, but I can also tell she’s a great friend. She does it all strictly out of love.
It doesn’t sound like she’s got a boyfriend or anything. She even mentioned in conversation how she might want to write a book one day.
Once dinner is done, Mackenzie and James run off to her room for the puzzle she had set up for him to work on together. She didn’t care about anything else today other than doing that with him, despite having never met him.
But that’s who she is.My sweet girl.
“Did it hurt?” Avery asks Marc. “When I told you to google it and I was right?”
“You literally had me googlewhy can’t I own a red panda. Which was stupid to begin with,” Marc tosses back.
“But I was right when I said they are protected by the law in the countries that they originally come from.”
Marc just shakes his head in disbelief as the table roars in laughter at the wild things she comes up with. I can’t help but laugh too. Avery is most definitely that wild friend that every friend group needs.
“Macey, those were the best damn tacos I have ever had,” Avery says, changing the subject as she sits back in her chair and rubbing her stomach like she’s full.
“I agree,” Peyton adds. “Probably the best vegan tacos I’ve ever had.”
“Way better than Old Jose,” Kali says.
“I don’t know what that is, but thank you. I’m glad you all enjoyed them.”
“Oh my god,” Peyton groans. “Old Jose is like the best Mexican restaurant here in the city. We go every week for girls’ night for tequila and taco Tuesday.”
“Tacos and tequila solve all life's problems,” Avery adds.
“You should go with them one night,” Oliver interjects.