Page 43 of That Last Secret
I finally arrive and park the car. Marc and Avery are sitting on the front porch rocking chairs with Avery’s mom. At least, that’s who I assume it is because they look so much alike. A couple of days ago, through a group chat with my brothers, I learned that they were surprising Avery by flying her in from Vermont for the weekend.
“Ahh, Em!” Avery shrieks as she jumps from the chair to greet me. “I feel like I haven’t seen you in years.”
I can’t help but laugh as she pulls me in for a hug. “Don’t be dramatic. It hasn’t been that long.”
“Glad you could make it,” Marc says from behind her before wrapping his arms around me. “And I hear a major congratulation is in order?”
“Yup.” I beam, knowing he’s talking about me passing my last class.
“I’m so proud of you, Emiline,” he says, tightening his hold on me.
Pride washes over me. Nothing makes me feel better than my brothers being proud of me. With their success in their careers, just knowing they’re there and supporting my journey means everything to me.
“Thank you, Marc.” I release his hold and smile up at him.
They introduce me to Avery’s mom and we chat for the next few minutes before I head inside. I make a pit stop for James and find him in his room playing with his dinosaurs and watching some shows about science and space before I see Peyton in the kitchen.
“I’m so happy you could make it out here,” Peyton says.
“Me too. I missed you guys so much. It’s not even funny. You more than my brother, but don’t tell him that.” I laugh.
Peyton makes a move to zip her lips shut. “My lips are sealed. How long are you on break this time?”
I sit on the bar stool across from her on the oversized island Thomas had built. “I get to enjoy a month of summer before the summer block starts. But don’t you worry. It’s only for one class, and it’s a short one that’s not an actual nursing class. It’s a requirement they have us take before the fall block. So I’m here for allllll the last-minute wedding planning you need.”
She laughs. “We totally still have a lot to do. But don’t let it impede classes. I will be mad at you if you do.”
“Noted.” I nod through a laugh.
“Emiline,” Thomas says as he opens the back sliding door and approaches me. “You made it.”
“I wouldn’t miss it.” I smile from ear to ear as he greets me. “I missed you guys so much.”
“We missed you too. Today really is going to be the best day. The weather is perfect, and Oliver is back from his trip, so everyone will be together again and able to relax and enjoy good food,” he says.
My stomach does a somersault thinking abouteveryonebeing together again. When Peyton sent the group chat about this party happening, she didn’t confirm or deny whoeveryonemeant.
It’s only been a week since I last saw Logan when he left my apartment.
I can’t have you, but that doesn’t mean I don’t want you.
I haven’t stopped replaying those words repeatedly like a song stuck in my head. But it’s not a song.
Logan flat-out confessed he wants me. Everything Brooke suspected was right there before me, and the truth that came out has thrown me into a whirlwind of emotions. I won’t deny that a part of me wanted it to be true, even though I keep telling myself I can’t go down this road with him. But he feels the same way. We both know we shouldn’t do this.
Besides, I’ve spent far too long getting over my crush on him to go back down that road only to end up disappointed or, worse, heartbroken.
I clear my throat to hide my nervousness. “Everyone?”
“Duh.” Peyton laughs. “Except Logan will miss dinner.”
Relief engulfs me, but I watch Thomas turn to Peyton. “But we’re making extra for him, right?” he asks. “He’s coming by after his overtime shift, and knowing him, he will be starving.”
“You know it.” She laughs. “I doubled everything because every time Logan steps in this house, he turns into a toddler who eats everything in sight.”
I join her in her laughter as she talks about him. I know my laugh is all nervous and jittery, but neither of them picks up on it.
“What are the next steps for wedding planning?” I ask them to steer the conversation to anything but Logan.