Page 67 of Crossed Sticks
LUCA: Where did you go? PLEASE come back and talk to me. I swear nothing was what it looked like. Please hear me out.
I felt like I was a hundred years old as I stumbled back downstairs. Caleb offered me coffee again, and I took it this time.
“Did you talk to him?”
“No. He didn’t answer, so I sent a text.”
“He’ll calm down, and you guys will be laughing about this later.”
“Shut the fuck up. You’ve got the sensitivity of a snail.”
I could tell he had something to say, but he only nodded at the mug in my hand. “Drink that. You need a clear head.”
I sipped the coffee and forced myself to calm down as much as possible. “Sorry I yelled, but Harper’s had bad experiences with men. I’m afraid this will drive him away.”
“Come on.” Caleb took my arm and guided me to the couch. After we sat, he patted my leg. “Remember what you told me last night about Daniel? Things get fucked up sometimes, but if people care about us, they’ll stick around to work it out.”
I gulped more coffee.
“It’s ironic if you think about it. Daniel had a fit because he thinks I’m too involved in your life. Now Harper is having a hissy because he thinks something happened between us.”
Apparently, Caleb was determined to make me yell at him all day. “He’s not having a hissy, for fuck’s sake. He’s hurt.”
Caleb held up a hand. “Poor choice of words, sorry.”
“All this should tell us both something, Caleb. We’ve had a screwed-up relationship for years, and it’s time for that to end.”
“How’s it screwed up? We’re best friends.”
“Maybe we’re not the most objective people to judge that.” I drained the coffee, his denial ringing in my mind.
He’s fucking oblivious about everything to do with me, and I guess he always has been.
I set the empty mug on a table and shook my head. “We need to talk, but I’m too upset right now. I have to go find Harper. Did you decide what you’re doing today?”
We’d called Daniel the night before, which was one reason everything ran so late. He and Caleb had made up, and Caleb agreed to go back to Chicago. Unfortunately, when he went online to make a reservation, all of today’s flights from Buffalo to Chicago were full. Caleb called the airline, and they said he might be able to get a seat if he went on standby.
“I’d planned to go to the airport, but now I wonder if I should stick around to help with Harper.”
I stared out the window, trying to decide what to do. The lake shimmered in the morning sun, a peaceful contrast to the storm brewing inside me. I was incredibly frustrated with Caleb and needed to get away from him. Making things worse, I was angry at Harper. It was hard to believe how quickly he’d jumped to conclusions. How could he leave without giving me a chance to explain?
Whatever happened, I didn’t want to lose him, and becoming hysterical would only make things worse. If I allowed my anger to fester, there was no telling what I might say once I found him.
“Luki?” Caleb patted my leg again. “Everything will be okay.”
In no mood for platitudes, I silently counted to ten before facing him. “I’m going to shower so I can look for Harper. Why don’t you call the airline and see if something has opened up? I’lldrive you to the airport, and you can go on standby if you need to.”
“What about Harper?”
“I need to find him before I can do anything else. If he wants to talk to you, I’ll call.”
Caleb’s eyes betrayed a hint of disappointment. “Okay. If that’s what you think is best.”
“It is.”
I took my mug to the kitchen and went upstairs to clean up.