Page 88 of Crossed Sticks
“Let’s wait until morning. If you still want to go, I’ll drive you there. You shouldn’t be alone.”
I’d have much rather left right then, but Caleb’s plan was probably best. Besides avoiding a possible encounter with the police, I’d have a chance to rest up for a confrontation with Dr. Putnam. “It’s not like Harp’s leaving tonight, so let’s do as you say.”
We decided Caleb would stay at my apartment and bring me clean clothes in the morning. After that was settled, I asked if he and Daniel were doing okay.
“Better than ever. The fight helped us move past some things that had been bothering us, not only how I felt about you. I don’t think we’ve ever been closer than since I went back to Chicago.”
“Glad to hear it. I may have felt all kinds of things, but I’ve always wanted you to be happy.”
“I know that, and I hope you can be happy, too.”
While we shared another hug, a nurse came in. “Dinner’s in ten minutes,” he said, then glanced at Caleb. “I’m sorry, but visiting hours are over since there’s group therapy tonight. You can come back tomorrow anytime between nine to nine.”
“Can’t Caleb stay?” I asked. “He flew all day to get here.”
The nurse shook his head. “We have to be fair to everyone, so there are no exceptions.”
“It’s okay,” Caleb said. “I’m tired, and we’ll have all day tomorrow.”
“Don’t forget dinner,” the nurse told me, then left.
Caleb patted my hand. “Thanks for being honest with me, Luki. I’m sorry for hurting you all this time, and I promise to be much more considerate.”
“You already apologized, and I’m glad we could work things out.” I walked him to the door, and we shared another hug before he left.
Time slowedto a crawl as the intern led us through the hotel corridors. Holky walked beside him, while Gabe and I trailed behind. I wanted to run, to escape whatever bad news was waiting, but my legs were trembling too much. Gabe steadied me with a hand on my back when I stumbled around a corner.
We entered the small, dimly lit lobby where Caleb stood near the front desk, tapping a fist against his leg. His expression was unreadable as he nodded at me and stepped forward, extending a hand. “Thank you for seeing me, Harper. I know how busy you must be.”
“Why are you here?” I was in no mood for pleasantries. “Is something wrong with Luca?”
He didn’t respond, but the flicker of concern in his eyes was all the confirmation I needed.
“What is it?” I fought to keep my wavering voice steady. “Is he okay?”
Caleb’s eyes darted around the room before settling on me. “Is there someplace we can talk privately?”
“For fuck’s sake, just tell me if he’s hurt.”
He shook his head. “Not like you’re thinking. But can wepleasego somewhere more private?”
Gabe stepped up beside me. “Go to the quiet lounge. No one will be there this time of night. If they want quiet, they’ll go to bed.”
I glanced between Holky and Gabe. If something serious was wrong with Luca—and why else would Caleb have come?—I’d need their support.
Holky tapped Gabe’s arm. “Let’s go play something on my Switch.” Then, looking at me, he added, “You know where to find us.”
“Thanks, guys.” I nodded at Caleb. “Come with me.”
I led him down another hallway to the quiet lounge, a room filled with sofas and armchairs. After closing the door, I pointed at a sofa. We sat down, angling ourselves toward each other, and I gave him a hard look. “Tell me what’s going on. You didn’t come all this way just to say hi.”
Caleb fidgeted with his hands before making eye contact. “I saw Luca this afternoon. Physically, he’s okay.”