Page 92 of Crossed Sticks
I couldn’t help smiling. “It’s Harp’s favorite.”
“Must be a sign, then.”
“I fucking hope so.”
He messed with my hair until it looked better than anything I’d ever managed on my own. “How’s this?”
“Perfect. Thanks for helping me look my best.” I turned around to face him. “I appreciate your support so much.”
His eyes welled up, but his smile didn’t falter. “No worries. It’s almost time to talk to Harper. If you tell him what’s in your heart, everything will be okay.”
My nerves kicked into high gear, and I took a deep breath. “I will.”
Caleb reached for my hand. “Come with me.”
“I thought I’d talk here. No offense, but I’d like some privacy.”
“You can talk wherever you want, but trust me. You have about five minutes before he’s supposed to call.”
“Okay, then.”
We walked down the hallway, and before we turned the corner into the common room, he dropped my hand and faced me. “I love you, Luca, and I’m so happy for you. Don’t forget, say what’s in your heart.” He kissed me on the cheek. “You go first.”
I walked in, then froze as my heart somersaulted. Harper was there, sitting in a chair across the room. He jumped up and hurried toward me, wearing a huge grin. I started walking, and we threw our arms around each other when we met in the middle of the room.
“Harp,” I croaked as he pulled me close. “What are you doing here?”
“I heard what happened. I’m sorry for how I’ve acted.”
I’d never felt anything half as good as Harper in my arms. We both broke down, clutching onto each other like drowning men, and it wasn’t long before our lips met. It was the best kiss I’d ever had—holding each other, his lips on mine, our tongues brushing together. I pulled him closer, and we squeezed each other so tightly it was a wonder we didn’t pass out.
The moment wasn’t anywhere near long enough, but crying so hard had made my nose stuffy, and I needed air. We broke the kiss, both drawing away just enough to see the other clearly yet keep our hands on each other’s arms.
While we struggled to catch our breath, I looked him over. Handsomer than ever, he looked hot as hell in fitted black pants and a royal blue polo shirt. “I can tell you’ve been working out. Your pecs are about to bust through that shirt.”
“Glad you noticed.” He squeezed my arms. “You’ve lost weight, but we’ll put it back on you. The nurse said there’s a gym in the hospital, and I’ll take you down there until you’re ready to leave. After that, we’ll work out together whenever we’re both in town.”
“Fantastic. I need a good workout partner. We can hold each other accountable.”
The sound of laughter made us turn our heads. It was Caleb. “Are you seriously talking about workouts at a time like this?”
If Harp wants to work out together, then he expects to keep seeing me.“Sure, workouts are important.”
“We have to bulk Luca up,” Harper said, looking into my eyes. “He’ll be in goal again before you know it, and I’ll be at every game when I’m in town.”
“I wouldn’t miss yours, either.”
Something changed between us. Regret darkened Harp’s eyes, and he wrapped me in another hug. “Fuck, Luca. What did we do?”
We cried more, and I held on tightly, kissing his throat and chin, then making my way back to his lips. Between pecks, I said, “Please forgive me. I don’t ever want to hurt you again.”
“I was an idiot. I’m so sorry.”
We were still holding each other when the tears stopped, and when I realized we were standing in the common room, I wondered what kind of audience we had. I looked around and only saw Caleb and a nurse.
“I sent everybody to their morning groups,” the nurse said, then twisted her lips into a wry grin. “You’re excused for the day.”
“Thanks.” I looked back at Harper. “I assume Caleb called you, but how did you get here?”