Page 4 of Back in the Hunt
Heat flooded Bryn’s face as he bowed his head, offering Nelson a deferential nod. “My apologies. I have nothing against you or yourlittlefriend, Merlin, if I’m being honest. I’ll do my best to behave around Nox.”
“What do you have against Nox?” Nelson challenged, earning a soft apologetic groan from Fletcher.
“Please excuse Bryn. He believes there are only a few acceptable ways to use magickal gifts and takes offense when someone chooses a different path than he would.”
“I see,” Nelson said as he opened the front door for them. He sounded as if he did indeed see through Bryn, smiling serenely as he led them inside. Bryn was expecting more black and lots of leather, but the townhouse was tastefully decorated with antiques and mementos and he had already spotted several pictures of Nox’s parents as they followed Nelson up the stairs. “Some things are so far beyond my scope,” he continued. “I assume it’s best to just keep my mouth shut and pay attention. I’ve learned a lot by standing back and simply doing what I’m told.”
“Your poor ego! How does it cope, not being the smartest and in charge?” Fletcher asked facetiously.
“It is challenging,” Nelson conceded as they climbed. “But I’ve found that my friends find other reasons to admire and respect me, oddly enough.”
“Fascinating…” Bryn observed. “Have you found a way to suck your own dick, too, while you’re being such a fucking paragon?”
Nelson hesitated for a moment, then shook his head. “No. But I’m even less interested in sex than I am with always being the smartest and the loudest person in the room.”
“Well said.” Fletcher clapped Nelson on the back when they reached the top of the stairs. “I forgot that you’ve already had the pleasure of meeting and conversing with my brother-in-law,” he added with a laugh.
“I forgot that you’ve already had the pleasure…” Bryn mimicked in a nasally voice as he followed but he was secretly impressed as he carried Everly through the open double doors at the end of the hall and past Nox and Nelson’s bed.
Instead of a traditional canopy, wrought iron and copper had been twisted into branches with soft green leaves and pink petals made from crystals. The smell of candles, oils, and incense immediately soothed Bryn’s temper and softened his grudge as he was led into the bathroom.
“Lay the leannán sí on the floor there in the shower,” Merlin commanded, reaching deep into a carpetbag on the counter. A selection of candles and herbs were being lit by Nox as Merlin removed a steaming cauldron. “I know I don’t have enough frankincense in here so you’ll have to run downstairs,” he told Nox.
He nodded, pinching out the flame on his match. “On it. I’ll grab more sandalwood while I’m down there, too.”
“Good thinking!” Merlin said, then pointed at Bryn as he laid Everly down. Moonlight spilled through the skylight into the shower as smoke filled the room. “Get him undressed and begin bathing him with that moonwater,” he ordered and gestured at the large jar and ladle in the shower’s corner.
“What’s a leannán sí?” Nelson whispered to Fletcher, earning a confused shrug.
“No idea,” he said and Bryn snorted as he studied Everly. He should have guessed, but he’d been so distracted, obsessed with waking Everly and guarding him as he slept.
“It’s Old Irish for ‘fairy lover.’ The leannán sí were half fae, the doomed offspring of faeries—mostly muses—and their conquests. In English, they’re known as changelings.”
“Doomed?” Nelson frowned as he considered Everly. “Why would they be doomed and why would you say conquests? I thought muses were good for artists.”
“Oh, no!” Merlin said as he worked, arranging bottles and jars on the counter. “A true muse is afearsomething. The price of divine inspiration is often regret and loneliness as one wastes away, longing for the rush of fame and the thrill of the heyday.”
“How can you tell he’s leannán sí?” Arawn asked in awe, rapt as he watched Merlin’s every move. A student from the moment he could crawl, Arawn’s hunger to learn and heal belied his hellhound strength and savagery. There was nothing bigger and faster in the Nothing than Bryn’sslightlyolder brother.
“Well!” Merlin turned and tapped his chin like he was preparing to give a lecture. “I couldsmellhim, but his size and his captivating beauty is another giveaway,” he began, making Bryn roll his eyes.
“I might have noticed, but just because he looks like he should be painted and sculpted doesn’t mean he’s?—”
“Smell him, Nelson,” Merlin interrupted.
Nelson shook his head. “I’ll pass,” he said but Merlin gasped and pointed at Everly’s unconscious body.
“Do as you’re told. How else will I teach him?” he muttered, looking irritated as Nelson stepped into the shower and leaned toward Everly and sniffed.
He did a double take and sniffed again as he swayed closer. “What is that? It’s…nice.”
“Isn’t it?” Merlin asked excitedly. “Have you noticed it as well, Dr. Bixby?”
“Me? I haven’t spent that much time with Bryn’s patient, but I did notice that something smelled really good in the van on the way up. I thought Arawn might have switched his cologne,” he said with a shrug.
Arawn’s head cocked. “I don’t wear cologne. You know that.”
“True…” Fletcher said and smirked at him. “I just always assume it’s because of you, if I like something.”