Page 9 of Going for Two
“I think that’s a fantastic idea,” Maggie exclaimed. “You spend so much time saying no to things because of work. It’s time you get to say yes.”
The three of us admired our handiwork before Olivia took the list over to my fridge. She placed it front and center with a magnet where I would see it every day.
“If we weren’t playing on Sunday, I would be begging for tickets to the Bobcats’ first game,” Maggie said as she finished off her pint of ice cream.
“You better be getting us some sideline passes for the first time we get to come.” Olivia pointed her spoon at me as she sat backdown on the couch. I was tempted to take it away before she tried to wield it like a weapon.
“Only if you get me tickets if the Cougars make it to the playoffs.”
“Deal!” Maggie exclaimed. Olivia raised an eyebrow questioningly at her. “What? I like watching Derek Allen play. He’s nice to look at.”
“You have someone nice to look at at home every day,” I reminded her.
“Doesn’t mean I can’t appreciate God’s work on that fine specimen of a man.”
Olivia burst out laughing. “You must have a thing for ladies’ men. I heard Derek loves to get around.”
“People can change.” Maggie stared down at her phone lovingly as she read the newest text from her boyfriend. That man was wrapped so tightly around Maggie’s finger that it was a miracle she didn’t lose circulation.
“Derek’s nice,” I told them with a shrug. “A bit hyper at times, but I think he means well.”
After Nolan had brushed me off for treatment after practice, Derek immediately followed me back into the training room with another endless stream of questions.
“Did you like practice?”Yes, you guys look very solid this year.
“I don’t think I asked you. Do you have any siblings?”A younger sister.
“Is she in town?”She works for the Cougars.
“Holy shit. You two make a formidable pair. Is she single?”Over my dead body, Allen.
I pretended like I didn’t catch the look that Hawthorn and Derek exchanged when Nolan walked right past the training room. Or the way Derek’s ramblings seemed to kick into overdrive, as if he was trying to distract me from the fact thatNolan Hill was actively avoiding me. No matter the reason for it, I appreciated Derek’s efforts.
“Maggie, you’re a genius!” Olivia’s squeal of excitement brought me back to reality.
“Wait, what?” I asked.
“We’re going to set you up a dating profile,” Maggie explained. “What better way to start on your first item on your bucket list?”
I was being serious when I told them that I wanted to go on dates. I had dated plenty of people through college and after, but many of them never made it to a third date. By the end of the second date, it often became painfully obvious whether we were compatible or not. I’d never particularly liked the game that was dating in your twenties, but if I wanted a shot at more than sweaty athletes and working far after the sun had set, I needed to play the game.
“What do you think about these photos?” Olivia asked as she shoved my phone back in front of my face.
As Olivia swiped through the photos, I cringed at how plain they made me look. All six photos looked like they could have been my professional headshot on the Bobcats staff page.
“I looked through everything and these are the best I could find.” Olivia gave me a small shrug, as if to saysorry, you’re kind of boringand this is the best I could do.
Those six photos were enough to prove anyone that called me a workaholic right. There were no photos from a vacation. Very few with friends out having drinks. None with family besides Olivia. But I was actively making the decision to change that for myself starting today.
“I guess it’ll do.” I sighed.
“We can take some new photos and wait to put up your profile, if you’d like?” That was why I loved my little sister. She was thefirst person to jump off the cliff, but she at least made sure I was prepared and comfortable before I jumped off the cliff with her.
“No, that’s okay. Might as well not be something I’m not. There’s enough catfishing on those apps already, best not add to it.”
“Well, we can at least work on these questions they’ll put on your profile.” Maggie snuggled in closer to Olivia on the couch to peer at the phone in her hands. “Let’s do this one! What’s the best way to ask you out?”
Judging by the panic that entered my body at the question, I was more out of practice with dating than I thought.