Page 19 of Craving Demons
“Perhaps you go for women?” Harmonia ventured with a raised brow. “Whatever your type, do you find that they are swarming to be with you?”
“Ah… no?” Though I recalled my last time here and the man from the elevator. “But, the last time I was here, everyone was looking at me like I was fresh meat, and there was a… ah… very intense man in the elevator.”
Harmonia quirked a bit of a grin. “You don’t say?” By the way she said it, it was clear she knew something. Did they have cameras in the elevators? Did she know? Probably. “Yes, Lord Ramsey did mention running into you.”
Had I heard that right? The words were out of my mouth before I could stop them. “He’s a fucking lord?”
Harmonia’s lips twitched again, but she repressed her smile. “Yes, in a way, though not the English Lord type.” She steepled her fingers before her lips for a moment. “He called you something, if I’m not mistaken.”
Oh… that!
“Yeah, he said I was a demon. Isn’t that just silly?” I laughed.
She didn’t laugh.
“It’s pronounced daemon,” she said. “Like Matt Damon.”
“Matt Damon is a demon?” I didn’t think I’d heard that right. “If so, then he’s got to be one of those sexy demons right?” I joked.
Again, she didn’t laugh.
I laughed nervously. “Ah… yeah, so, that is silly, right? Him thinking I’m a demon, or Matt Damon, or whatever?”
Harmonia shook her head. “I don’t understand at all. How could you not know? How could your power not have been flooding everyone around you all your life?”
“Power?” I wasn’t liking where this was heading.
“Perhaps a demonstration is in order?” she said. It was a question, but not for me I guessed. “You’re agitated at the moment, yes? Flustered? Confused?”
Hell yeah, I was! “Well, perhaps just a little, yes. I’m not sure why everyone keeps talking about demons.”
Harmonia nodded. “Could you imagine being truly at peace at the moment?”
Absolutely not! I needed to come up with a quarter of a billion dollars, and everyone around me at work was psycho-religious or something. “Ah… not really, no.”
Harmonia nodded. She rose and came around the desk to sit on the front edge, closer to me. She was beautiful, with raven black hair, a perfect Mediterranean complexion, and deep brown eyes. She was a bit leaner than me, more athletic of build, but still had a full bust and ample curve to her hips. She was what I called fit-hot. Whereas I was curvy-hot.
She held out her hand and whispered something that sounded like, “Iremia.” I thought I saw her hand shimmer, as if the air around it was suddenly hot and distorted, then…
Then my shoulders eased from being up around my ears and I felt every muscle relax. I smiled just a bit as all my worries drained away, and I felt the deepest, purest peace I’d ever known in my entire life.
“How do you feel now?” she asked.
“Heavenly,” I murmured, feeling high as a frickin’ kite! With my many bad boy lovers, I’d experimented with weed and a couple other things. But this, right now, was the best high I’d ever had.
“Tell me all the things you’re worried about,” Harmonia said.
And I did, I spewed it all forth and none of it seemed to faze me at all.
“I feel like you’re going to fire me because I wasn’t prepared for this job. I promise I’d have read the handbook but well, yesterday mobsters came and said they wanted two hundred and fifty million dollars from my uncle, who might have it, but hell if I know where or how to get at it, and my uncle doesn’t remember anymore, and I am so screwed when they come to collect in a week. Also, I have no clue who I am. I don’t know who my real parents are, and my adoptive parents died when I was a teenager, and I’ve spent my life seeking validation from men, but they just want my body, so I’m off men now, but that just means I’m lonely and sexually frustrated. I bought seven hundred dollars’ worth of sex toys yesterday. Seven hundred dollars! I know that’s too much, but I need a good fucking orgasm. Though, what I really want is a solid piece of man-meat up in my love tunnel. Oh… and I don’t understand my daughter and she won’t speak to me half the time. Yeah, I think that’s most of it.”
“Blessed gods,” Harmonia breathed. “You poor woman!”
“Yeah, I know, right?”
Still, I didn’t feel stressed about any of that at all right now. I felt so wonderfully free and serene.
“Epistréfo,” she said and snapped her fingers, and in an instant, the weight of all my worries fell on me like a ton of bricks.