Page 23 of Craving Demons
“Good.” She rose and came to stand behind me. I turned my head, but she smiled down at me. “Just relax, look straight ahead.”
I did as instructed. She put her hands to either side of my head and I felt… nothing. I couldn’t tell if she was doing anything at all. But then…
There was no good way to describe it, except to say that the latentsexinessin the room seemed to diminish. I felt just a little less flirty, a little less hot and ready. Wearing a dress like this made me feel sensual and sexy and I wanted to show it off a little. I still felt that way, but just… less.
Hmm.Perhaps there was something to what Harmonia was saying?
Nope, demons were definitely not real.
Harmonia sighed. “That’s better. I’m probably going to need to do this again before every shift. At least until you learn to control your sexiness,” she said.
“Ah, yeah, sure,” I replied.
“Great! Krystal, you can get back to your duties.”
“Whatever,” I heard the other woman say, clearly not interested in any of this.
Harmonia came around in front of me and held out her hand. “Now, if you’ll come with me, the owner of this establishment wants to see you.”
I took her hand and got up, even as my mind started freaking out. “The owner? Why?”
“Oh, it’s nothing bad. You haven’t done anything wrong. He’s just worried about you and would like to discuss something.” Harmonia was smiling, but it didn’t quite reach her eyes. Clearly she was hiding something.
I followed her out of her office to that corner office I’d passed after my interview, where I’d seen that tall statue of a man. The door was closed this time and Harmonia knocked, then waited for the call from inside to enter.
She ushered me in first, but I stopped as soon as I’d stepped through the door.
The office was large and immaculately attired, simple, and clean. It held a large desk with two chairs on this side of it and a high-backed, fancy-looking chair behind it. The exterior two walls held floor to ceiling windows. Shelves lined one inner wall and there was a long couch along the other, next to the door.
And on that couch was Mister line-backer-meets-gladiator-meets-mister-universe.
What had Harmonia called him? Ramsey?
He was reclining, hands behind his head, the position straining his dress shirt over taut, bulging muscles heaped on his arms and chest, not to mention the massive flare of his back, giving him a perfect V-shaped torso. He had one leg on the couch, the other over the back, and those midnight blue eyes were just as heated as they’d been in the elevator, stripping away what little I was wearing as he wet his lips.
Just like before, he was all heat and danger and… wow!
His gaze made me feel exposed and hot as hell all at the same time. A rolling heat rose up deep in my belly and my lady lips were practically salivating.
Then I remembered: he’s the one who’d called me a demon.
We could have had glorious elevator sex, but he had to go and ruin it by throwing my life into chaos. That was a mark against him in my book, no matter how sexy he was.
The other man in the room was the one I’d spied in this office the other day. He was standing by the windows again and he must have been even taller than Ramsey, perhaps six-eight?
He had his suit jacket off and the black dress shirt underneath seemed like it was painted onto him. He wasn’t quite as burly as Ramsey, but still had strong, broad, squared shoulders and arms heavy with muscle. He was leaner through the torso, still with a massive expanse of chest, but with an even more pronounced V-shape, and he wasn’t doing anything to emphasize it like Ramsey was.
And where Ramsey’s complexion was deep bronze, this other man — my boss? — had a paler, olive complexion, like Harmonia. The stubble of a dark, well-trimmed beard anchored his face below thick, lustrous blue-black locks. Smokey sable eyes, deep and mysterious, seemed to draw me in while drilling into my soul.
Something about his intense gaze pulled on me and I only just stopped myself from crossing to him and wrapping my body around his.
“Anais?” he said, his voice soft but commanding.
I felt like he wanted toownme, in good ways and bad, and I fought against that draw. I didn’t like anyone controlling me. I wasn’t certain whether we’d end up fucking or fighting, and I didn’t think either was a good option for my first day on the job.