Page 35 of Craving Demons
“I know you’re off men, and I know that us being together is only supposed to be a game, a charade,” I said. “But I need to tell you that when I’m with you, I feel… whole. It’s like you’re the missing piece that I’ve been looking for all my life. I know that’s probably a lot to take in, but I had to say it. I had to let you know how I felt. This isn’t your power, this is just… you.”
She stared at me, wide-eyed for a long moment before breathing out an, “Oh.”
“You don’t need to do or say anything. I’m not expecting anything from you. I’ll play this game with Ramsey and Fen and keep you safe, keep others away from you. But know that if you ever did start to feel anything for me, I’d be there. I’d be with you in a heartbeat. Anything you ask, that’s in my power to give, I’ll give it.”
I clenched my jaw, trying to stop myself because what I was saying didn’t make sense.
I didn’t know her and had to assume it was her power influencing me, and yet I couldn’t explain why being with her, just sitting here talking to her, made me feel complete. Or why this new and strange feeling bubbled within me determined to break free and make me… happy? Was that what I was feeling?
She swallowed hard, her entire body — all that I could see — had turned a deep red to match her dress. I knew I’d put her on the spot but the illogical part of me that had taken over didn’t care. She had to know that I needed her and that I’d do anything to have her.
“I realize you don’t know me at all. But… if you’d like to get to know me… I could…” Gods, I was suddenly excited and flustered. I’dneverfelt anything like this before and I sure as Hades had never been flustered. “Would you like to see one of my animal shelters?” I blurted out with a hopeful grin.
I nodded. “I have many businesses, but the ones that are closest to my heart are those that help animals. My aspect is The Hunt, except I don’t hunt to kill. I hunt to tend to and care for. I love animals, and I’ve put my life into helping them. Would you like to visit a shelter with me?”
And now I was babbling.
Me babbling!
If Ramsey heard about this, I was never living it down… and I still didn’t care. How could I care about what Ramsey thought when the aching void inside me was gone?
“Ah… sure?”
She was definitely not sure, but still, I beamed at her like a Hades damned lunatic.
“Thank you.” I released her hand, fighting to regain some self-control. “Now, I see that I’ve overwhelmed you. I should probably take you home?”
“Ah… yeah, thanks,” she replied, her tone, her eyes, her whole expression confused and uncertain.
Fuck. Stop being an idiot and play it cool.
I’d been too honest, saidwaytoo much, and was going to push her away. What the Hades was wrong with me?
Still, she’d accepted a trip to one of my shelters, so I’d have another chance to woo her.
Woo her?
Yes. That’s exactly what I wanted to do. I’d show her that once she was done being “off men,” I was the one for her. I had to be.
I’d never acted this way around any woman — any person — before, and in truth, I had no clue about relationships. Oh, I’d been with women, many of them, but they’d all been conquests. When it came to truly caring for someone, I had no clue what to do… and I had to get a hold of myself before I completely fucked it up.
Still, she sat quietly next to me as my chauffeur drove us to her residence. She seemed to be thinking about something and when we stopped, she didn’t get out right away. Instead, she turned to me, giving me a long hard look.
“Did you mean what you said?” she asked, a curious note in her voice.
I’d said a lot of things — a lot of stupid, terrifyingly true things — and I had the feeling she was referencing only one small part of it. But still, I said, “Yes, all of it.”
“You’d do anything for me?”
“Just like that.”
“Like, you’d give me two hundred and fifty million dollars if I needed it?”