Page 43 of Craving Demons
Ana slammed the door behind me, leaving me on the front step with the image of her pleasuring herself using multiple toys at once.
In the vision, she was screaming, naked body writhing in ecstasy and—
Oh fuck. It was too much. With her power still surging around me — she must have been right on the other side of the door — my cock couldn’t take any more. I came hard, ruining a pair of eight-hundred-dollar pants.
“Fuck me,” I echoed Ana’s words from a moment ago.
“Not fuckin’ likely!” I heard from the other side of the door. The comeback and the ridiculousness of the moment made me throw my head back and laugh.
Because if I didn’t laugh, I was going to kill someone just to release all my pent-up emotions.
I waiteduntil I heard Ramsey’s heavy steps move away before sliding down the back of the door to sit, head in hands, glaring at the offending pile of sex toys. I was shaking, experiencingallthe emotions, terrified of those gangsters, mortified that Ramsey had seen my newly acquired toys, and curious and anxious, trying not to get my hopes up about this Freyja person. Also, I was exhausted and frazzled after a rough night of not-sleep.
What was a woman to do?
First,thiswoman had to clean up her own mess. One thing at a time, right?
I pushed all the various pleasuring implements back into the broken box and carried them upstairs. Then, just because I was feeling sucky, I opened them all, realizing after the fact that I’d need a fuck-ton of batteries for most of them. I’d have to run out today and pick some up because I desperately needed some self-loving.
I could try some of the dildos I’d purchased, but frankly, they just intimidated me. While purchasing them online, I’d assumed bigger was better, but looking at them now, I wasn’t so sure. I’d need to be really well lubed for half of them, the other half were strange shapes or glass. I’d even purchased a couple specifically for anal play but wasn’t up for that at the moment. No, I’d work up to the dildos, but that meant batteries for the rest.
With that mission firmly in mind, I slipped out to the corner store and bought way too many batteries, all the while trying not to think about anything. I didn’t want to think about how amazingly good Ramsey looked in that suit. I didn’t want to think about Tommy Two-Toes or Donny or this seer person. I didn’t want to think aboutguysat all. Men in my life were just trouble right now.
As for the women in my life, Reia was still a mystery. Harmonia, though a bit intense, was actually really nice, and a great boss. She was more like a long-lost sister than a boss, actually. She seemed to really want to help me.
Aaaand clearly I was failing at my not thinking.
“I wonder what the surprise is,” I whispered to myself as I gathered another handful of batteries.
What would someone like Ramsey surprise me with? He’d said not to dress up, which meant a casual date, which seemed relaxing. I was a bit thankful that he wasn’t expecting much in that department. Still, surprises could be good or bad and something told me Ramsey’s would be unlike anything I was expecting, and probably bad.
I also couldn’t stop the hope springing to life inside me. If this Freyja person could help Donny remember, I’d be forever grateful.
The trouble was, I’d also have to be grateful to Ramsey, who was supposed to be in the no-fuck-zone.
Maybe I could spin my gratitude in such a way as to torture him even more. Perhaps a sexy striptease for him, getting him all worked up, but then only allowing him to use his fingers on me, leaving his poor hard cock out in the cold. Something told me he wouldn’t say no to any chance to see me naked. Yeah, that could work.
I got home, spent a half-hour unpackaging batteries and reading instructions, then locked my door and tried out a few of my purchases. There was a little one that mimicked oral sex, providing suction to a small area, and though it wasn’t really the same as having a guy go down there, it was… very stimulating.
Another looked like a cactus, but without the prickles. It took a little bit to get it into the right spot, but once it was… Holy Orgasms! It was screamingly good, stimulating my clit, G-spot, and ass all at once! I tried a few others and even a couple of the dildos now that I was well worked up.
I couldn’t decide if this was better or worse than having a man. Yes, I could focus on exactly what I wanted and needed, but there wasn’t the warmth of a body pressed to mine, no whispered words of adoration.
Still, it was a pleasant afternoon, until Reia banged on my door and told me to tone it down… I may have been shouting and screaming a bit too much. Not what a teen daughter wanted to hear from her mother, I was sure.
It was only after I’d cleaned up that it occurred to me that my sex aura — or whatever my power was — might be affecting those around me.
I went to check.
Reia’s door was closed. I knocked. “Sorry about… earlier. Are you okay?” I asked.
“Go away!” came the heated reply.
I listened a bit more intently and heard some heavy, huffing breaths. That could have been nothing, or I could be making my staunch and austere daughter horny.
Swell. The mom of the year award was certainly coming my way.