Page 49 of Craving Demons
I turned. He shifted. Our legs intertwined as we faced each other, both on the edges of our seats. And yeah, one of my knees pressed into his groin, feeling the pulsing heat of his erection trying to break free from his expensive pants.
I wanted more than a kiss but didn’t know if I should say anything. Given Harmonia’s rules, asking for more felt like opening Pandora’s Box. So, I dove headlong into this kiss, head tilting, mouth gaping and sucking, licking and claiming his lips and tongue.
After what seemed like an eternity of kissing bliss, he pulled back. I kept sucking on his bottom lip for a moment as he drew away, before finally, reluctantly, letting it go.
“Would you like to go back to my office?” he breathed, and every part of me was screaminghell yeah!
But before we did, there should probably be rules. I didn’t want to lose the steamy lust resonating between us, so I used a soft and sultry voice.
“And what are you going to do to me in your office?” I asked, inviting him to tell me every sexy detail.
“What do you want me to do?” he countered. “It’s up to you, after all.” His gaze was deep and soul-sucking once again. I truly could lose myself in those dark eyes.
So, what did I want?
Everything!Horny me was adamant.Get him to whip out that side of beef in his pants and fuck our brains out! Oh, but not before he goes down on us. Don’t you want to see those dark eyes looking up at you as he sucks on our clit?
I did, but the other part of me, the side that was off men, didn’t want to give too much away on the first date. There had to be a happy compromise.
And there was.
He’d already proven he was good with his fingers after all.
“I want you to kiss me like you’re claiming me, then I want to feel your hands everywhere. And I meaneverywhere. But just your hands. We’ll save more for later.”
“Agreed,” he said, hot and close. Then he rose and swept me into his arms, all in one motion. I yelped with shock and glee before he stopped my mouth with another kiss, even as he carried me out of the lounge and back to his office.
Grey hadhis lips hard on mine even as he kicked the door closed and set me on his long couch.
I lay with my head on a pillow as our lips crashed together and the full force of his desire slammed into me. God, he was a good kisser, sucking and licking and claiming me, just as I’d asked. He knelt next to the couch, his one hand combing up through my hair. His other hand, which had been under my knees when carrying me, slid up my thigh and over the curves of my hip and waist before seizing a breast.
I gasped into his mouth, his large hand enveloping my ample softness in a hard massage, kneading and pressing. My nipple went rock hard and strained against the fabric of my dress. I moaned and writhed on the couch as he continued his rough manhandling.
Except this wasn’t what I’d asked for.
With a groan, I pushed his face away from mine long enough to give him a heated stare and say, “Everywhere!”
God, I hoped he got the point.
He did.
His hand left my breast and slid down over my stomach to my thighs, pressing hard until he came to the hem of my dress. He caught the hem and slowly pushed it up, as his hand slid back up my thigh.
Too slow! Touch me now!My pussy ached, already wet and pulsing with heat. Yet his hand seemed to take forever to push my dress to my hips. Then, he left off with his hard pressing and with a single finger, traced lightly over my thong.
I squirmed and moaned in breathless suspense as that finger drew patterns over my panties before finally slipping down between my legs.
I opened to him, pushing my legs out to give him room to work. His finger traced my pussy over my thong and if my panties hadn’t been wet before, they were certainly soaked by the time he was done. God, at the rate I was going through underwear since I’d met these hot-as-hell daemons, I wasn’t sure if I’d have enough to get through a week!
Screw panties. Go commando!my horny self shouted.
I wasn’t sure I was ready for that… but maybe?
Except then there wouldn’t be anything to keep me contained at all.
Perhaps sensing how desperately I wanted to feel his hands on me, Grey looped his finger into my panties, brushing my folds and setting them on fire, then yanked the flimsy fabric down to my knees.