Page 73 of Craving Demons
Donny’s money… for the mobsters…
At the bank…
… with the scary-ass daemon, Mammon.
At the bank,the five of us were ushered into a plush backroom that looked like a “high rollers” suite in Vegas. Not that I’d ever been to Vegas, but I’d seen lots of movies.
I looked as much like a businesswoman as I could get, in a respectable blush-pink blouse and burgundy, calf-length, flared A-line skirt which I kept smoothing down over my legs.
I may have been just a touch nervous, though I found my trepidation fading whenever my mind wandered back to last night with Ramsey, something I wasn’t ever going to forget.
My parts were still sore from that punishing caveman sex. But mostly I kept thinking of how tender and gentle and caring he’d been afterward. He’d carried me and bathed me and stroked my hair until I’d fallen asleep. Those weren’t bad boy things. Bad boys fucked you then went to watch the game or rolled over and fell asleep. There was a hidden tenderness to Ramsey that I’d never suspected and I was a bit disappointed that I’d been so sex-dazed and tired last night to appreciate it.
“Just wait here, and Mister Kinz will be in in a moment,” our guide said. She was attractive and young and acted more like a hostess than a banker. “If there’s anything I can get you, just ring that bell.” She pointed to a heavy cord with tassels on it. “I’ll make sure you haveeverythingyou need.” And the way she said it, eyeing the guys, suggest thatanything, including her, was on the table. She winked and left.
I wanted to slap her.
They’re mine, bitch!
I blinked. Where had that come from? Why was I suddenly so possessive, and vicious about it?
These guys weren’t mine at all. I hadn’t even known them for a full week!
But I couldn’t deny that a part of me wanted to claim them.
All of them.
That might be a problem, given how contentious they were with each other, especially when it came to me. Still, right now, I didn’t think I could choose. Fen was kind and fun and sexy. Grey had the tall, dark, and handsome thing and was a billionaire to boot, while Ramsey was all dangerous energy, chaotic and carnal.
They appealed to different sides of me and all of them had shown me they knew what they were doing when it came to pleasing a woman.
That’s right, and they’re all mine!This time I identified my horny self as the source of my hostility.
You just want them for the sex,I chided myself.
You bet I do! I AM a sex daemon after all. Those hunks are mine, and I’ll scratch out the eyes of any bitch that even looks at them the wrong way!
Whoa. Okay. Sothatwas good to know.
I tried to quell my raging libido and think about these guys honestly for a moment. Since it seemed we were waiting, I sat in one of the comfortable chairs and looked around at the three men who I barely knew and yet already felt close to.
Fen wore comfortable black dress pants and a black button-up shirt, and I was beginning to wonder if all his dress clothes were black. His aqua-blue eyes looked around the room, noting the door we’d come in and two others. He was an odd one, a paradox, so courteous and thoughtful, but with a world-ending beast lurking deep within him.
The way he looked at me and spoke to me, the things he said and did… all of that told me he saw me as more than just a sex daemon. He sawme.
I didn’t even know whomewas and yet he seemed to have acceptedmealready. He hadn’t said thethree wordsyet, but I could see in his pale blue eyes that what he felt for me was deeper than just attraction.
And that terrified me as much as it thrilled me.
Grey wore a gray, three-piece suit and tie, tailor-made for his tall, broad form. He looked immaculate and deliciously gorgeous, and I just wanted to lick him. He’d been very vocal about how he felt, and though he’d also not used thethree words, he’d pretty much vowed his undying devotion.
Which was still crazy to think about.