Page 81 of Craving Demons
That’s when I heard two heavy, resounding smashes on the door behind me. The impacts reverberated through the floor into me. My heart pounded with fear. If that was the monster, we were dead since I was pretty sure my aspect wouldn’t work on it.
Then, with the screeching groan of tearing metal, the door began to move. Steel ruptured and split, and the door was ripped away entirely, thrown behind a savage-looking Ramsey as he loomed in the doorway.
Relief swept through me and I released the breath I’d been holding as he looked into the Diamond Room and blinked.
Most of the guards were on the floor, grabbing their crotches. A couple of men had managed to keep standing, but only because they’d liberated their dicks and were pumping them hard, making a mess around them.
“Did you—?” Ramsey looked at me.
I smiled. “We lust daemons have a few weapons we can use. I talked dirty to them and surged my aspect. Now we’re stealing gems. Wanna help?” I said with a tilt of my head.
“Ah… no, you need to get out here and heal us guys before we die or Fen’s beast is released,” he said, and all playfulness was drained out of me.
“Take everything you can carry!” I shouted at Donny as I fled the room.
I reached Ramsey as he turned, showing me the gushing wound in his back. Even as he did, he collapsed to his knees and had to lean heavily on the wall.
I’d healed him with kisses last night, but there was no way I was going to put my lips to that large and bloody gash so I covered it with my hands, his blood pouring out between my fingers. I had no clue how Ramsey had managed to rip a bank vault door open with this massive wound, but then again, he wasn’t human, was he?
I imagined focusing my healing energies — since I had no idea where it was focused and what it really felt like — and sent the thought of “kissing it better” through my hand. Thankfully the blood slowed its surge over my fingers, then stop altogether without me having to figure out anything else. The hole closed and I pulled my hands away, wiping off blood to see a puckered scar.
Last night, I’d been too swept up in my desire for Ramsey to fully register the fact that I’d healed him. I’d done it and seen its effects, but some part of me had still thought it was a fantasy.
But now… I’d done it again, and I was just a bit shocked.
“I’m good. Help Grey and Fen. Fen needs it,” Ramsey hissed, breathing heavily.
At the mention of them, my gaze leaped to Grey and Fen. Grey was trying to bandage the other man up as best he could, but Fen was…
Bile rose in my throat and burned over my tongue. I bent over and made a mess on the floor, losing my breakfast. Fen was barely recognizable. His beautiful blond hair was mostly gone, and half of his face and scalp were seared away. The rest of his body wasn’t much better. And to make matters worse, a half-burned wolf seemed to be shimmering over him, chomping and raving.
I forced myself to stand and found the energy to run over to the two men.
“I can heal,” I said dropping down next to Grey and Fen.
“You can?” Grey was shocked. Then he shook his head. “Whatever, great, help him!”
I hesitated. I didn’t want to touch Fen anywhere. Those burns looked horrible and touching him would be painful. Still, I forced myself to put one hand on his chest and the other on his leg, closing my eyes to block out the horrid sight.
Then I prayed.
I hadn’t prayed in years. Though… I didn’t seek out the God I’d known from my childhood. I was aware of so many more now.Dear gods and goddesses, please help me. I don’t even know my full power yet. Apparently, I can heal, and this man desperately needs healing. Maybe I can do this on my own, but if anyone out there is willing to help, I’d really appreciate it!
I thought I heard a distant mocking laugh, but it vanished before I could concentrate on it. And besides. Ineededto save Fen.
I focused all the power I could, imagining that “kissing it better” feeling then added all my love and caring as well, pushing it as hard as I could through both hands into him.
For a moment, I wasn’t sure if anything was happening. Under my palms, Fen was far too still.
Then he suddenly howled, like nothing I’d ever heard before, pained and desperate, the sound tearing through the room. It tried to shred my soul and spirit. Agony shot through my very essence and I screamed too.
Then, as abruptly as it started, it stopped.
It took me a moment to recover, my ears still ringing from that savage noise, and I blinked, focusing on Fen. The wolf was no longer shimmering over him, and his body had started to heal.
He smiled at me, eyes glazed with pain, then slumped over and passed out, reminding me that not all of his injuries were healed.