Page 28 of Claiming Demons
who have been invited by Horus, God of Rulers,
to a most excellent ball.
The Pierre Hotel ~ 2 E 61st St off 5thAvenue
Please arrive at or before 8 pm November 16th
Formal attire required.
“Huh,”I muttered.
“What is it?” Ramsey’s voice carried to me.
I looked up and saw him striding out from the elevator.
“An invitation,” I said, still a bit stunned.
Ramsey’s cheery grin instantly vanished.
“No… he couldn’t have… not this quickly!” He hurried to me and plucked the card from my hand, reading it. “Fuck me!” he hissed. “He… he had to have known who you were and… and…” He turned to me. “Did you see who delivered it?” Ramsey asked.
“Yes, a—”
“Slender man, short hair, dark skin like me with a grin that makes you think he knows things about you?”
Ramsey’s description was on the money. “Yes.”
“Egyptian daemon messenger, can zip from place to place faster than almost any other god, and one of Horus’ lackeys.” Ramsey shook his head. “That bastard.”
“No, Horus.”
“Oh.” I was lost. “Perhaps we can step inside and you can explain everything to me?” I got the feeling something was happening beyond just an invitation to a ball.
Ramsey gave his trademark grunt, and we went in together.
“So… Horus?” I asked as we headed for the sitting area.
Reia happened to be passing by, heading from the kitchen back to her room with a snack, and she answered me before Ramsey could.
“Egyptian god of rulership, son of Osiris and Isis…” She stopped. “Wait… do you know him?”
“No, but he invited me to a party tomorrow night,” I told her.
“I do,” Ramsey said. “And he’s a right royal ass.”
“Oh, curious,” Reia said with a tilt of her head… then kept going to her room.
“A ball? Sounds swanky. Are you gonna go?” Eva asked. She was sitting in the TV lounge portion of the large living area, filling out some paperwork for her schooling.
“I don’t know,” I said.
At the same time Ramsey growled, “No!”