Page 45 of Claiming Demons
Thank the gods…
“Why, hello there! What a lovely trio of women. Dear Aunt Aphrodite, you must introduce me to this stunning creature!” This from a robust man as he approached.
He too was dressed in the Grecian style, a toga covering his girth, and he had a salt-and-pepper beard and flowing silver hair.
“Hello, Zeus,” Aphrodite said, voice just a little strained. Then she whispered to me, “Watch out, he’s an uber-lech. He’ll sleep with anyone and anything in any form. Oh, and he loves his titles.” She turned back to Zeus. “Your Most Royal Excellency! I’m sure you know my daughter, Harmonia. And this is Anais Baker, she’s new, but alas, she’s already spoken for.”
Ramsey pressed close behind me, one possessive arm around me.
Zeus still eye-fucked me for a long moment while licking his lips.
“Too bad,” he said a bit blatantly. Then, finally deeming to address me directly, he said, “You, my dear, are a truly fetching creature. It’s so rare to meet a new goddess as lovely and ripe as you are.”
Wow, could he hear himself? Super-creep much?
“Stop pestering the girl!” This from a new woman on the scene who began smacking Zeus with a scepter of some sort. I liked her instantly. She had a fuller, motherly figure, and was demurely draped in a deep blue dress. Her raven hair was done in an elaborate up-do, like a fountain, with falls of hair splashing down over her shoulders.
Zeus grumbled.
Aphrodite grinned. “Ana, meet Hera, Zeus’ sister and wife.”
“Ex-wife!” Zeus spat out, trying to swat Hera away.
“Since there aren’t any lawyers that deal in divine marriages, divorce among the gods is… subjective,” Harmonia explained to me.
“It’s a pleasure to meet you, my dear,” Hera said, still happily bashing Zeus.
“I need to go get Horus,” Ramsey whispered in my ear from behind. “Are you okay here?”
I nodded then turned my head to kiss him. Neither of us cared if people saw our display of affection. In fact, I thought Ramsey reveled in “claiming” me in front of these other gods. His kiss was deep and possessive and longer than I would have expected, not that I minded. And when he pulled away, I was left just a bit breathless.
Ramsey smiled and left with a wink.
“Ah… young love!” Aphrodite sighed, hand on heart.
“Young?” I scoffed. I was nearly forty and Ramsey was like… three thousand years old!
“Perhaps I should say…newlove?” Aphrodite corrected herself.
“That would be more accurate, yes.”
Zeus finally fled from Hera’s barrage. “That’s better, just us ladies now!” Hera said. “Shall we mingle a bit?”
“That would be lovely,” I said with a smile and a nod.
Hera grinned. “Don’t worry, we’ll keep all the leches away and only introduce you to the prettiest, nicest, and most eligible gods.”
“I’m spoken for,” I said.
“Oh…? Ah… well, I guess it doesn’t matter then,” Hera said. “Still, come, this way, so many people to meet!”
As I followed Hera through the crowd, I caught sight of another daemon who looked like an angel. This one wasn’t wearing armor, just a flowing white robe, and his hair was more platinum blond, long and straight and silken. I couldn’t see his face, but something about the man sparked a pull within me. I was… drawn to him.
Then, just as quickly as I’d glimpsed him, I lost sight of him.
But Hera was pulling me toward another group, making introductions. The moment passed, and my curiosity faded as I met other fascinating gods.