Page 50 of Claiming Demons
It seemed she was at a loss for what to do as well, simply holding me and continuing to speak to me.
Ana, I love you so much. I’m sorry I ruined your evening. I… I can’t tell you what happened, but I… my wolf… I don’t know how much longer I can restrain it.
Even with my words?
Yes. They’re helping, but…but my father’s command was too strong. Yet I couldn’t tell her that.I need… more than words?I didn’t even know what that meant… but she did.
You need me,she whispered into my soul.Yes, one moment.
She stepped back, reaching behind her neck to undo the top of her dress. Then she undid the clasps at her waist and the beautiful garment pooled on the floor. She stepped out of the dress and carefully laid it on a couch to one side of the room.
My wolf’s appetite shifted from a hunger for destruction to a desire to mate, to consume this luscious creature before us. I didn’t have nimble hands to work my clothes, so I tore what remained of my shirt and pants away with my claws. My cock sprang free as the tatters of my pants fell away.
“Oh, gods!” Ana gasped, eyes going wide.
I was mostly wolf at the moment and not-so-much man, and my raging cock reflected that, heavy and thick and reinforced with a rigid bone.
Her eyes flashed wide with fear. “Fen… I… oh wow…. Ah…”
But as I stalked toward her, she calmed, regaining her composure and speaking in soothing tones. “Yes, Fen, no matter your form, I’ll always be here for you. Take what you must.”
I reached her, clawed hands roughly grabbing her and turning her. I bent low, sniffing her pussy, smelling her heated readiness.
Ana, brace yourself,I warned her through our connection.I’m barely in control.
And I had a feeling Fenris The Destroyer did not mate pleasantly.
I surgedmy sex aspect as Fen’s wolf surrounded me with its power. Huge clawed hands gripped my shoulders and he yanked me so my back was captured against his chest. His wolf’s snout nuzzled into my hair, sniffing and snorting, and then, that oh-my-gods-sized cock pressed to my pussy.
The erection Fen sported at the moment put Ramsey’s monster cock to shame. It was the largest dick I’d ever seen. I was a goddess of sex and could accommodate any man inside me, butthiswas no mere man.
So, I rammed my sex aspect down into my core, filling my pussy with searing liquid desire, and braced for Fen’s entry.
There was no subtlety, no foreplay or easing in. His seeking tip found my swollen, wet and ready pussy, and with a swift jab, that world-ending cock pounded inside me all the way to the hilt, incredibly deep. Impossibly deep.
I cried out as I accepted him, formed to fit him as I’d hoped I would. Yet still, he was powerful and ferocious. With my sex surged, I felt every aching inch of him with pussy-clenching shocks of pleasure as he began vicious thrusting.
My arousal went from zero to a hundred in nothing flat, every cell in my body exploding with fiery bliss.
For just a moment my mind was completely and utterly blown away by this raw, animalistic sex. Ramsey sometimes liked it rough… but nothing like this. I didn’t know if I’d get off from this hard and inhuman sex, but my aspect was doing everything in its power to make sure I enjoyed this as much as Fen did.
Throbbing heat coursed through me and pooled around my core, but even so, Fen was too much, too large, too hard, overwhelming. I grunted and groaned as he whined, his hands on my arms holding me tight, restraining me, keeping me in place so he could thrust harder, faster. My ass-cheeks would be sore tomorrow from his hips pounding into me, but I stayed with him.
I didn’t know what he needed. When I’d been in his soul, I’d felt such turmoil mixed with his love. He’d also felt… suppressed, as if there were some other influence on him.
Fen, yes, take what you need, I’m here,I moaned into his soul.
I’m so sorry, Ana.His voice was so sorrowful and heartfelt, such a counterpoint to the savage fucking I was experiencing.I… perhaps try surging your sex and love within me? Maybe that will help.He seemed so lost and uncertain.
I did as asked. I pushed my sex into him, focusing on that mammoth cock, perhaps if he could just release, that would help?
At the same time, I pushed my love into him as well. I loved Fen, all of him, even this rough and vicious side of him. I took the bad with the good, and I knew he’d never hurt anyone willingly.
But then all my thoughts and my attention were cut off as Fen’s already massive cock slammed into me fully… and swelled, like some cement-filled balloon at its base. My only lucid thought was to recall a documentary I’d seen about wolves and how they locked into place during mating.
Oh, Fuuuuuuuck…